Sunday, May 27, 2012


Currently I'm having a sleepover with my cousins, and it is just a blast. We stayed up playing card games, and then I remembered that I needed to type my last and final blog. It's a little bit late on accident because my cousins and I were playing scum the card game til like midnight. It's such a blast though. So far we've watched American Ninja Warrior, played scum, and had hot chocolate. This sleepover couldn't get any better. I really just wish though that more people could come to the sleepover. This is going to be a short blog, but my last blog, or one of my last blogs so I just wanted to come out and say that people need to have more fun in there lifes. Right now I'm doing that by having a sleepover, so have fun no matter what that is for you.

Saturday, May 26, 2012


It's almost summer, and I'm almost there, to high school. I've learned so much, and I've gained new friends, but soon I will be saying goodbye to a bunch of these people. I'm going to miss some people, and I'm not going to miss some people, but the great thing is that I will be meeting new friends, and I will be meeting up with old friends. Next year is going to be super fun, and this summer is going to be super fun. I have marching band on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I have to be there at seven o'clock all the way to ten o'clock. I'm not super worried though because I think that I will be able to enjoy it. Thank goodness most of my best friends will be going to Davis with me, but I will be leaving some good friends behind. I will also be leaving some great teachers behind. This is probably going to be my last post for a long time, so I just wanted to say goodbye to a lot of those people. Goodbye friends. We will be able to party this week at school since it's the last week, so let's party it up and say our goodbyes. We've got a party in Spanish class on Tuesday, a Talent Show assembly on Wednesday, Ninth Grade Lagoon day, to party all day long, and of course a yearbook day on Friday to get to say our goodbyes. Plus I know that my friends and I are going to have a big party on Friday after school. I'm going to miss all of you that I'm leaving, and I'm glad that most of my friends that I'm not leaving will be in marching band with me this summer so that I can stay in touch. I'd also like to say thank you to all of my teachers this year because they have helped me out so much. I can't wait for this summer, and I can't wait for next year when I will have a ton of friends. A bunch of my friends and I are going to get Snow Basin passes so we can go every weekend. Next year is going to be a blast. Thank you and goodbye, to those of you that I will be leaving. I hope to see you around.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Sky Coaster

I'm going to Lagoon soon with my cousin, and I'm totally psyched because we are going on Sky Coaster. For those of you that don't know Sky Coaster is a ride that is super scary. This ride costs 20 bucks, but I've heard it's worth it. You stand on this platform, and they have you harnessed in, and then they lower the platform slightly so you fall. You then are harnessed in the rest of the way, and then they raise you up. You are raised up a good, well I'm not sure how far, but it's high. You pull your own cord at the top, and you drop straight down, almost upside down, until you start swinging. It's going to be fun. Now I found out that my brothers coming with us, so we are going to have 3 people harnessed together, and it's going to be awesome. The problem is though that it costs 20 bucks to ride. You already have to pay a bunch of money to get into the park, and now you have to pay 20 bucks more, but I heard it's worth it. I'm really pumped for it, but I'm going to need to save up some money before then. Especially since my dad doesn't want me blowing all my money on it. I'm definitely psyched for it though it's going to be awesome!


The Avengers was the sickest movie ever. It is now my most favorite movie on the planet earth, and doesn't have any movie even close to it. Everything was fantastic. The comedy, the action, and the fighting where crazy amazing things that couldn't have been better. The one thing that my friends saw, and not me was that Stark's "heart" was not on during some moments in the movie. Not even at the end, but during some parts of the movie. Everything else was perfect. The display, audio, and graphics were amazing, and couldn't be beaten. I loved that it showed all of the Avengers about equally. I didn't know how it was going to work when they were all fighting, but it did, and it was awesome. I loved that the guys were all ruff with each other. I thought that it felt like they were actually guys, and that's what guys do. I loved the second little bit of ending where they are at the restaurant because that was just grand. The Avengers was great. I didn't like though that Black Widow could do everything that the others could even though she was just a regular person. Like, when she jumps off Captain America's shield, and jumps on that scooter thing. That would rip somebodies arm off, but she did it without problem. I thought that Hawk Eye's shooting skills were unreal. He shot arrows and hit people when he wasn't even looking. That's just a little messed up for me. Everything turned our alright though, and that's all that one can really wish for because the movie was great.  The Avengers earns five stars, and would earn more if the scale was bigger. I want to see The Avengers again. That's for sure!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Maple Bar's version of 10 reasons why I hate Facebook

1)The number one reason why I hate Facebook is because it sends you fifty billion emails a week. 2) I hate Facebook because everybody posts what they are doing every second. 3) You can get 73 people to like your status if you just say Lms. 4) You get tagged in pictures that you aren't even in. 5) Every thing is associated with Facebook. 6) Groups send you more messages that any thing else. 7) You don't know how many stokers have been stoking your page. 8) There are stokers stoking your page. 9) Anybody can get a Facebook. 10) People will start having conversations on your status, and sometimes you don't even know them. This post was inspired by Mario and Fafa. Thank you.


Stock up on your Twinkies, Ho Hos, Dingdongs, donuts, cupcakes, and whatever else Hostess makes because they are going out of business, and it's going to be horrible! I'm not exactly what the story is on it, but from what I heard they got sued, and are now going out of business. Everybody knows that a Twinkie is probably not the best for you, but if you don't want to get fat then don't eat them. Some stupid kid is suing them for making those delicious sponges that make kids smile because they got fat. I heard that they are shutting down this Friday, and I will probably be in a sad mood on Friday just because of it. Why the heck would somebody sue Hostess....oh wait there are snobs out there that don't care about anybody but themselves. Thursday night I'm going to Wal-mart to buy a years worth of Twinkies because we all know that they could last that long, but it doesn't matter because I will be able to eat a Twinkie in a year from next Thursday, and you won't! Ha ha. You guys are probably picturing some fat kid who can't even see his toes typing this, but actually I'm 20 pounds under my weight requirement. Now you're picturing some malnourished skinny kid, and your probably right I don't eat all that great of food, but I do play sports a lot. Do you think the person that sued Hostess was some doctor that got sick of fat children, or do you think it was some tubby guy that needed money for some sort of exercising equipment? If you've seen Zombie Land you know how important Twinkies are. Enjoy the little things is an important phrase on that movie that they say when the main character starts eating a Twinkie, but now there will be no more little things to enjoy. Except for The Big Bang Theory of course because who doesn't love that show, but that's off topic. No more. No more Twinkies. No more Dingdongs. No more cupcakes. No more Ho Hos. No more donuts. No more Zingers. There aren't just getting rid of Hostess! They are getting rid of our joy and hope leaving us in desperation.   

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Video Games

I'm not exactly sure what the world's biggest past time is, but I'd be willing to bet that video games are pretty close to the top. I'm not exactly sure that that's a good thing though because I know a lot of people that play video games to much. For example my friend has two get 2 hours a day in on his X-Box, or he "can't live to the next day. That is no longer a past time. That is an addiction, and it is controlling his life. It is a "necessity" for him. That's the problem. Video games were made to be played when you have free time, and to have fun in your free time. Now that they are controlling people I'm not sure that they are a good thing. Video games can be fun though, don't get me wrong. I enjoy playing some Call of Duty, or FIFA, or Basketball, or whatever. What is it that makes video games so addictive? Personally I'm not addicted to video games, but I know quite a lot of people who are. I know one person who played them for 5 days straight, pausing the game only for food and water. How is that possible? How can somebody play video games for 5 days straight? I would rather go run, bike, and swim way more than I would want to play video games. Right now they have all of these games that you can play online with somebody else that you don't even know. In FIFA you can play your ultimate team against somebody else, and you can try to win, and based upon how you do you can get more money, more experience points, and more and better statistics. In Call of Duty you can create different customs to use while you go out and try to shoot all the other people. You can customize your person to have the best gun, the best grenades, and the best second gun. The more you play the more experience points you get, and the more levels your guy grows. Once you can't level up any more you can prestige, which is losing all you money and all your weapons to start over. It sounds stupid, but the more you prestige the better your icon and image looks to people. Maybe that is where it gets addicting. People want to prestige. All I can say is I'm glad I'm not addicted.  

Air Race

I recently went to lagoon, and while I was there I tried out the new ride, Air Race. I am a person that loves doing things that are crazy. This includes going upside down, going straight up/ straight down, and falling long distances. Air Race involves going upside down. It's kind of a cool looking ride, and when you look at it you can't really believe how it works. It's this fun ride that spins around, and you are in this airplane that gets flipped upside down like it is a little coin. Air Race was a ride that earned 5 stars on my watch because it was super fun. The one thing that needs some work is the lines. There was a big dancing competition there that day, but those lines were ridiculous. My cousin and I were waiting in line for Air Race for almost 45 minutes. My one suggestion for them is to find a simpler process so that people don't have to wait forever. All and all though it was a fun ride that I want to go on again.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Typical Sunday Dinners

Maybe it's just my family, but it seems like we receive a bigger meal for Sunday than normal days. Maybe it's just the fact that my mom doesn't work on Sunday, so she has more time to make a better meal. Tonight we are having a roast, with mashed potatoes, and don't forget the corn. Typical Sunday Dinners include Potatoes of some sort, and some sort of meat, whether chicken, cow, or turkey, a vegetable of some sort, and rolls of course, cause who doesn't love nice warm rolls with some nice jam. Maybe a big Sunday dinner is just a Mormon thing, but I like having a big dinner on Sundays. Pot roasts are the best! Who doesn't like cow cooked in gravy. "It's not like I think about eating a cow, but once it gets cut up, fried on a grill, I start to get hungry," says Jim Gaffigan. In this case I guess it'd be cut up, and put in gravy. Wow how did I miss the most important part of the meal, Jell-O. Jell-O is the best thing ever. I love the red deliciousness that comes in a box. Who doesn't? That's typical Sunday dinners for you.


Lately I've been really into music. I've been listening to music for every assignment/activity I do. I'm currently listening to music. In my class we were discussing technology, and that it might end up with a cloud that we get our music from instead of actually having a hard copy of music, or music downloaded on i pods/ mp3 players. It's kind of hard to imagine a cloud that's always there streaming in music that you can choose whatever song you want. Music is a big part of my life. Currently I play the trumpet, a little piano, and I sing a little too. In band we have been playing some pretty cool songs, and I'm starting to get really good at playing the trumpet. I've learned a lot about different things that deal with music, and I'm actually going to go to the Rose Bowl Parade which is on New Year's day. That will be a blast. I will get to hang out with all of my friends, and I'm so excited. I like a lot of music, actually I like any type of music except country, whatever Justin Bieber, and all of that stupid sappy stuff that my grandma listens to. I'd consider myself normal because I haven't found another person that likes the same music as my grandma. Just yesterday I was listening to my i pod while I mowed my lawn, mowed my neighbor's lawn, and weeded my garden. Music is very important, and I don't know that I could live without it.

Saturday, April 28, 2012


Movies are things that people are willing to spend a lot of money on. There have been a few movies lately that people spend a lot of money on. Hunger Games, Mission Impossible Ghost protocol, and everybody knows that lots of people are going to spend money to watch The Avengers. We are paying to go see an actor's success, and the only reason why they are having success is because of us. Personally I'm not a person that likes to go see a movie at the movies, but I just like to rent it at Red Box for a dollar when it comes out. People are always complaining about the economy, so I don't understand why people are always going to the movies blowing money on something they don't need to. That is what I think about the movies. It doesn't make sense.

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Lately I've been spending a lot of time with my track team. We took second place at our last track meet, and did pretty well if you ask me, but personally I didn't do so great. I ran the mile in six minutes and thirty three seconds, and I ran the eight hundred in two minute and fifty seven seconds. Those are all right times, I guess, but I've done a lot better in my life, and I want to get two minutes and thirty seconds next time for the eight hundred, and six minutes for the mile. I know those aren't the best times ever, but I'm not very good at running either. I'm not very fast, and I can't sprint very fast, but I have endurance. I can run four miles without any problems, and I wouldn't say that when I run those miles I run them super slow like walking pace either, but I'd say that I run probably about as well as most people can run it. Running is my favorite thing to do. I love running distance, and next year I really want to be on Davis High's Cross Country team, so I can run a lot. I heard that Davis High's Cross Country team runs a mile for their warm up jog. The longest race that there is at a track meet is a mile. Our conditioning runs are about three and a half to four miles, and I love the conditioning runs. Distance is a lot better than sprints.

Saturday, April 21, 2012


It's already springtime again, and my mom has already sent me out to weed the garden. It didn't take that long, and I just listened to music the whole time, but it worries me that it's becoming time for mowing the lawn, which I heard rumor that I'm going to go do later in the day. It's not so bad unless you have to do it at the hottest time in the day, and then it just flat out sucks. It's also not as bad if I go out with my grandpa to do it because he pays me 20 bucks for mowing my own lawn. I guess there aren't always just bad things that come with spring, but now we can go swimming, do sports, and my favorite go mountain biking. All of these are some of the things that I look forward to when I think of spring and summer, but summer is a whole new topic for some other time. Who doesn't love swimming, sports, and mountain biking. There's just something about going to Adam's Canyon and hiking up to the waterfall and then going swimming in the end part. That has spring and summer written all over it. I also love mountain biking the shoreline trail, and always trying to get up that super hard hill at the very beginning. I am very excited for all the fun activities that you can do during the spring and summer, including, in the summer, not having to go to school. That will be a bomb diggity.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Do things make a difference?

I've been wondering lately if things actually make a difference. I've been wondering this because I've seen all this stuff lately that supposedly makes a difference. For instance shoes, cleats, and Nike/ Under Armor stuff. You've probably seen on TV a billion and one times advertisements for the next best running shoe, or next best Under Armor, and stuff like that, and I'm wondering if it actually makes a difference. Right now I've got this pair of terrible running shoes, that I hate, and I'm wondering if I got a new pair if it would actually make a difference. On the commercials we see this buff guy or girl running, sweating, and showing everyone else how it's done, supposedly all because they are using that certain product. During those commercials all I can help think is, "of course they're winning they're in shape," I want to see somebody use that shoe, or shirt, and show everybody up when they are some fat, out of shape guy/girl. Then I will be convinced.

My life is controlled by......Not Me

Things now a days have been getting super stupid. I don't get to choose very many things in my life, and those that I do get to choose don't make much of a difference to me. I was eating dinner just barely, and my dad told me that I couldn't take another bite before I finish my homework. So here I am typing to you about my miserableness while I'm starving in my basement wanting to shoot my dad right now. He's controlling my life. Today he wouldn't even let me comb my own hair because he didn't want to see me all day with a hair due that he didn't approve of. When I go school shopping my dad picks out my clothes, shoes, and personality overall. He either wants me to be the nerdiest kid in school, or the... well whatever that man thinks inside his brain I'm not sure, but I don't want to find out. It's sometimes just the little things that make me really mad when I can't choose them. For instance, I hate it when my dad tells me how full to fill my glass with ice, how to comb my hair, and when or what order I have to do my homework. Just the other day I got grounded from mutual because I had 30 minutes of homework left when it was time to go, and I hadn't done it earlier in the day, but really it wasn't my fault because I had track until five o'clock, and that only left me with two hours, and like most teens I don't like cracking open the books right as I get home. My dad's so crazy that if an assignment's due in 2 days, which happens all the time since I'm on A/B schedule, then I have to do it the night that I get it. Really my dad's just a hypocrite because I guarantee that my dad didn't do his homework the night he got it. Actually I'm pretty sure my dad didn't do his homework at all. My dad's not the only person that controls my life, but I'm just telling you scenarios about him because I'm ticked off at him for not letting me finish my dinner. My life is also controlled by my principal, teachers, and those annoying lunch ladies at school. Oh well, I guess.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Disappointed at the last second.

Life is full of disappointment sometimes, and it's no fun. You get all hyped up, and pumped up, and then you fall down and get pounded at the last second. Right now I am really pumped to hike Angels Landing, and have a fun time doing it, but my cousin just told me that he can't come do it with me, so now all of my hope is resting on my uncle, but unfortunately he'll probably say no like everyone else. Just a few minutes ago I was watching the Jazz game, and just like a few nights ago, they were robbed at the last second. Tonight it was even closer. The ball was tipped up and in, but was probably a tenth of a second off, and the other night it was probably a half of a second off. The ball went in both times, but when it came down to it, the clock went out. Life can be full of disappointment, but it's sometimes funny when you feel like you're going to not get your way, you actually do. An example of that was a couple weeks ago when I asked my cousin if he wanted to go skiing, and to my astonishment he said yes, and we actually went. We had a really fun time, and I wish that I could relive that moment again, but tomorrow when I go to Zions, and I don't think I'm going to get my way, I'm probably not going to get to relive a fun moment. It's funny, or not so funny, how people drop out, quit, and say adios, at the last moment or second. I understand that some people have important things come up in their life, but it's stupid when people don't do something with you, after they've said they would, just because they don't want to last moment. I probably end up doing that to some people too, so I'll make a deal to whomever is listening, I won't disappoint if you don't disappoint. Disappointment at the last second is a real bummer.

Wish I were there.

Sometimes I wish that my family was richer. I hear all my friends telling me about their cruises that they went on, and their vacations, and everything else. It makes me kind of sad when I hear about all of my friends that are going on a trip together, and I get a sick feeling inside when I feel left out. I look on Facebook, and see that all of my friends are in Vegas, St. George, or Florida. I feel left out. I blame my dad for my poorness because he's bought on just about every CD, book, and DVD/ blue ray that there is to own. I'm pretty sure that if we sold all of our CDs, books, and blue rays, and then my family would be millionaires. I wish I were a millionaire, then I would be able to go on all of these trips with my friends. I hear about all of these funny stories that happened to my friends, and I wish I could be a part of those stories, of course I would probably be the person that made the story funny since I'm such a goofball, but that would only happen if I had more money. Oh well.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Thump drag, Thump drag.

One fire in the cabin going out, one kid sent out for wood, and one psychopath in the woods with a wooden leg that makes the noise of thump drag, thump drag. The kids in the cabin sent out a kid to get the wood knowing there was a psychopath somewhere in the woods, so they made a secret knock. The kid went out in the forest with an ax to get the wood. The kids here a thump drag, thump drag. They start panicking, so they go to the door and start piling stuff up to hold him out. All of a sudden they hear a bang bang bang bang bang on the door, and tell themselves not to open the door, since he's not using the secret knock. In the morning they tell themselves to open the door together, but when they open the door they see their friend lying on the ground with his legs off.

Spring Break.

It's spring break, and I'm so flipping excited it's not even funny. At the end of the week my family is going to Zions national park, and it should be super fun, but the one thing is every time I hear more about it, I don't want to go. I really would like to spend a whole week down there, but at this moment I'm just going to be staying for 3 days. That really makes me kind of mad because I wanted to hike Angels landing, but my parents say that's a hike that you hike when you're down there for a whole week. What a bummer. For those of you that don't know what Angels Landing is, I'll tell you. It's a hike at Zions National park, that has cliffs on both sides of you, and you have to hold on to a chain mounted on the cliff. Now when I say there's cliffs on both sides, I mean it. It's a four foot path, sometimes as narrow as 3 feet, and on both sides of you are cliffs, like 2000 feet down cliffs. Now if you're a girl you are probably thinking that's the dumbest idea you've ever heard of, whereas if you are a guy you probably thinking that you want to go hike that cliff. It's a really fun hike, but I heard that it's like five miles long, so you want to have more days down there than just 3, which is why I'm ticked. I want to be down there for like the whole week or more because there's a ton to do in Zions national park. I'm starting to think that this trip is going to be one of the more dumb ones because since my grandma is paying for it. We are staying at the biggest dump of a hotel ever. It has a swimming pool, but what hotel doesn't. The last hotel that we stayed at had a pool, but it had cement on the bottom that had been warned away to sand. The water tasted so nasty I thought I was going to die from getting it in my mouth. I think it's safe to say we didn't spend much time there. See, I just don't want to have a miserable time in Zions over spring break because of dumb things. Well, that's my spring break, probably miserable.

Saturday, March 24, 2012


Sunburns suck! There is nothing else on the planet earth that sucks worse than getting sunburn. My friend was working on his eagle project, and me being nice I went and helped him. I put sunblock on my face, but didn't even think about putting sunblock on my neck, arms, and legs. I was only outside for 3 hours, but I got it just as bad as any person on the planet earth. I hate the feeling of your arms burning, stinging, and burning. There is nothing you can do! I had to take a cool shower, I had to use a lot of Aloe Vera, and I had to use ice packs to cool me down. My arms are burning so badly right now, I'm tempted to go jump in another cold shower. I want to drive myself up to the mountains, and lay in the snow. The weird thing is my skin is releasing so much heat where there is redness that everywhere else on my body is completely freezing. It's hard to find a point where my bodies warm, but my sunburned spots are cold. I wish I could find the perfect spot. I hate not being comfortable! I hate sunburns, they suck!

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Done but still more to go.

During my life I've noticed that after you finish your work, somebody comes and piles more on you. I've noticed this many times throughout my life. For instance school, work, and chores. What happens when we finish a term in school? Well, they give us a day off, but then it's back to work. You get your new term projects, new assignments, and new objectives. What happens when you finish cleaning your room? Your sent to clean the living room, or the bathroom, or the garage. What happens though when you want to do something fun? Well, you do it once and it's over for a couple of weeks. You do something fun, want to do it again, but get thrown down to "more important things." I'm not saying this because I don't think those certain things are more important, but because it annoys me when somebody tells me what to do. I know I will get told what to do many more times in my life, but it's when somebody dictates my life. For instance, in the movie called Zombie Land, it says, "enjoy the little things." I wish that some people would let people obey this rule because I'm sick of those people telling me that I can't fill my glass with as many ice cubes as I want, or that I can't stay up til 11 o'clock, or that I can't go to my basketball game if I don't have all my homework finished. All of these rules that are put on me in, my opinion, should be decided by me. What does somebody else care if I have more than five ice cubes in my cup? Well, anyway I'm tired of being close and then being loaded up with more. This drives me nuts, especially when I can't even enjoy the little things.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

One of those days.

My life seems pretty repetitive. I go to school, come home, do homework, go to bed, wake up, and go to school. My monthly schedule seems to appear this way just about every day, but what I really wanted to talk about was my attitude during some days. Theirs always those days that you either feel so embarrassed, feel like crap, or just want to go home, that you can't wait for the day to get over. For instance, I went swimming in gym one day, and the rest of the day I felt like crap because I smelt like chlorine, my eyes hurt from swimming, and I was kind of tired. It was a miserable day where I really just wanted it to end so that I would be able to start the next day off a little bit better. Just a few days ago I was telling my friend that I just wanted it to get over because I had a band concert, and my pants were 4 inches too short. It was an embarrassing day, and to top it all off, I had two solos. That was one of those days that I really just wanted to get done with. There will probably be many more of those days throughout my life; I really hope there isn't another one. I hope that tomorrow isn't one of those days because I have big plans to go skiing with my cousin. It is going to be awesome, unless it turns out to be one of those days. My life is pretty repetitive.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Anybody can do anything if they put their mind to it.

I've learned through things that if you put your mind to something that it will happen. Today my church ball team just won another game in regions, and if we win on Thursday then we will make it to the championship. Today I was nervous, but I put my mind to the win, and we killed them. We beat them by over 40 points. It was definitely a big and important game. I've also noticed that through homework sometimes I feel over loaded, but if I put my mind to it I get it done. Sometimes I will be thinking, "I really don't want to do any homework," so I procrastinate it. Then I realize that I'm going to have to do it sometime, so I had better just get it started. I've been told a lot by my friends that I suck at basketball, but my church ball team just made it to the final four in region, so I must be doing something right because I made 10 points today, and I made a buzzer beater at the last second of the game. The game was really only like 4 against 5 because one kid on the other team just stood in one spot the whole time, and didn't move plus they didn't have any subs so we just wore them out. This instant just shows us that if you put your mind to something then anything can happen.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Donuts are the perfect meal.

I truly believe that if you were to have a year supply of donuts, and water of course you could stay alive. You know about that guy that tried to go a long time on McDonald's food? Yea, well I want to see somebody do that with donuts. The thing is that there are different types of donuts, so you could have a jelly filled donut, a pudding filled donut, and if you know a person, or make your own donuts, then I bet you could add protein and other things to your donut kind of like Jamba Juice. In health we learn that you need vegetables, fruits, dairy, proteins, and fats. I think that the only one that you might have trouble getting is the vegetables and proteins, but if you had a jelly filling made out of vegetables, and you added protein supplements, then I think that your donuts for a year would be pretty sufficient. The reason why I bring this up is because my math teacher always brings donuts for our math competition practices. I don't really have much time for breakfast in the mornings, but when I eat a few donuts in the morning I feel super energized the whole day. Donuts give you a whole bunch of energy. They have quick burning energy from the frosting, but then they also have bread, so you've got some longer lasting energy too. Maybe I'm just craving donuts right now, but I really think that you could do it. Personally I'm not going to try it because I'm still in my growing stages. I think on Fantastic Mr. Fox there is a guy that lives off of donuts that are inserted with chicken or something, so I think that you could do it. Now here's the thing though. You are going to be in pretty sick health, but I think if it came down to it, I think you could do it. If you read this let me know what you think because I think that you could do it. Now you would probably want to kill yourself since you could only eat donut after donut, but let me know what you think.

A Tale of Two Cities

I just barely finished a Tale of Two Cities, and let me tell you I am super relieved. That book is a pretty interesting book, but it takes so long to read. It took me just about an hour to read a mere 20 pages. I thought that the book was very good, but I hate all the French names, and all of the big words. I was telling my friends that I am actually pretty excited to read another book that is a lot easier just so I don't have to spend an hour reading 20 pages. I think that I'm going to finish the Percy Jackson series because that's an easy series, and it's a good one. Well, I really just wanted to acknowledge my accomplishment because I feel as though that book has really made my reading comprehension a lot bigger. 

Sunday, March 4, 2012

I wish that peoples' schedules would piece together like a puzzle.

I wish that peoples' schedules would piece together like a puzzle. My cousins and I have been trying to plan a skiing trip now for over 2 months. This is a very hard thing to do though because every time that we schedule it, something comes up and throws off our plans. Hopefully this will be the last date that we have to change it to because we are sort of running out of time to go skiing. It's kind of weird that everything happens at once. Some days you have nothing, and some days you have so many things that you are legitimately being driven insane. I just wish that peoples' schedules would piece together like a puzzle.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

The smell of cookies, but yet I can't eat any.

Whenever something awesome is happening I am always the one that can't participate. Right now I smell cookies; however, I can't eat any. "No," is what my mom said, "There for the cousins." This really sucks. Not only that, but I won't even be able to play with my cousins because I have to read, write, and do tons of other homework. This is a big mess. Not only am I tempted to go hang out with my cousins instead of doing homework, but my cousins don't understand that I can't hand out. Every ten minutes or so my cousins will pop in my door and ask if I can come hang out. Sadly, I have to say no because my homework will never get done otherwise. This weekend is going to be sure misery, and I think that some of my cousins are going skiing. This sucks. From now on I'm going to stop procrastinating my homework, and do some on the weekdays so that I won't be so packed on the weekends. One thing that I will get to enjoy is the food though because we are having hoagie sandwiches, desert, and some other stuff that just adds on to the meal. I think that I can probably finish my homework in about an hour and a half, so if that happens then I will be able to go hang out with my cousins. Hopefully just hopefully.

Tuesday, February 28, 2012


My cousins are my best friends on the planet earth. We are super tight. We do just about everything together, and support each other in everything. My cousin took second place in state wrestling, and he would have taken first, but the other kid dropped him on his head so he hurt his neck, and his neck was hurting him the rest of the time. My other cousin has won his football championship 3 times now because he is super buff and awesome. I absolutely love all of my cousins. I love that we can all stand out in the cold outside of Target the night before Black Friday, and still stay super chill with each other. I love that we all have our many talents that we can use for each other, and against each other in competitions. I am definitely super happy for them coming down this week because we might go night skiing Saturday night. That would be super awesome even if we went to a smaller ski resort, just so long as we go together. My cousins and I are the tightest bunch on the planet earth, and I love them.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Every year, right about this time, my grandma tells my family that we are going to go on a trip or vacation. Every year I get super excited, and every year we end up not going. Last year for instance we were supposed to go to Disney Land, but that never happened. This year my grandma wanted to go to Disney Land with us, but now we aren't, and if we end up going on a trip at all it will probably be to Mt. Rushmore. I honestly don't even want to go to Mt. Rushmore because I heard that it is a huge let down. I heard that it is way up on the mountain, and you can barely see it. My grandma just wants to go there because my grandpa has never been there, and she wants him to see it. I could care less about Mt. Rushmore, and I just want to go to Disney Land. We are only not going to Disney Land now because apparently my grandpa is refusing to go because he's been there and was super bored (probably because he wasn't willing to go on any of the cool rides). I've been disappointed every year about this time, but I guess I'm not as disappointed because I get to march in the Rose Bowl Parade, and go to Disney Land on a high school field trip with the marching band. That is just about the only thing that I am excited for about now, but I'm not looking forward to paying the marching band fee. That will be another disappointment. Well actually that will be more of a bummer not a disappointment. Oh well, I think that it is all worth it. This year is going to be super fun no matter what happens to me.

Monday, February 20, 2012

The end of the break/vacation.

The end of vacation sucks. The last day of our break sucks! I really wanted to do something fun today, but I've been working on homework almost the whole day. I'm pretty sure that there is a district rule that says teachers can't give out homework during the breaks, but of course they do anyway because they think they are better than us. The worst part about my breaks and vacations is the last day. I just hate thinking that the next day I have to go to school. I really want to stay home and either play PlayStation or play some sports. School upsets me sometimes. That is why I hate the end of vacations.


Are haircuts good or bad? I think the point of them is good, but it sure isn't fun going to get them. I'm going to go get a haircut today, and I'm really not looking forward to it. I always feel better once I have received the haircut, but before I am really nervous and bored. That is why I haven't decided whether or not I like haircuts. I kind of wish that there was a product that kept your hair the same length but didn't kill your hair. In my mind that would be very nice, but since we don't have a product like that I have to go to my haircut appointment. This leaves me with the question still of, are haircuts good or bad?

Friday, February 17, 2012

Why do basketball players freak out so much?

Yesterday I had a church ball game, and it was the funnest thing that I have done in a long time. The only problem was that they had a big complaining dumbo on their team. First of all he didn't really know what he was talking about and second of all he started getting really angry. He started throwing shoulders and elbows into this kid on our team until..... He got fouled out. He thought he was so funny for trying to injure our player a little that he ended up getting thrown out of the game. Yesterday was the best. He got thrown out, and we still won their team fifty five to twenty three. I would say that we won them, that is for sure. "He can only shoot guys," is what he would say, "He can only shoot guys," is what I would say mockingly back at him when that kid on our team would swoosh it right in his face. Last night was really interesting. That kid was constantly yelling at the refs saying that he was just boxing out. Then the ref would say that you can't throw your shoulder into somebody while you're boxing out. Why are kids so stupid. If you complain to the ref, he's not going to change his mind. He's just going to think you're an idiot. Which leaves us with the question, why do basketball players freak out so much?

My dad doesn't care about my stuff.

Today I asked my dad if we could go get some ski boots. He said that I wasn't going anywhere until I finished my homework. Later in the day my dad asked if I would go with my brother to this merit badge class, but what did I say? Yeah that's right you got it, "I can't go anywhere until I finish my homework," I said. Wow that shows my dad. Of course now he'll probably never take me to get ski boots, but it shows him that if he wants me to do something then he had better help me out to. I'm sick of being his slave. I'm pretty sure that I will get my mom to come get ski boots with my while my dad is at that merit badge class. That will show him.

The next thing that I hate about my dad is that he wakes me up super early on my breaks. Today I wanted to sleep in and catch up on some beauty sleep, but apparently my dad had different plans. He wanted me to get up and get going on my homework so that I would be able to go to that merit badge class with my brother. How selfish can one get? I'll tell you right now that I'm not going to throw away all my plans for somebody if they aren't willing to return in the giving process. It doesn't work that way.

I truly believe that my dad doesn't care about my plans, but I think I'm going to change that because it's becoming a joke. He's always complaining to me that I never hang out with friends enough, but whenever I ask if I can hang out with friends he doesn't let me. He is the biggest hypocrite there ever was.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Movies are fishy.

The reason why I say that movies are fishy is because I think that it's annoying how in movies they make the guy sound fishy. What I mean when I say that is that they make you feel like it's one guy, but really another. That guy that you are suspecting is acting super fishy too. I really hate that about movies. It really doesn't build up suspense in my opinion. All that it does is make me frustrated. I hate it that if they are on to a guy then they make that certain guy look really suspicious. He's always got a face on him that tells you he's the guy, but he really isn't. Whenever I am watching one of those movies I just want to turn of the television because those movies are super dumb. Not only are they super dumb, but every movie follows the same story line just with different actors. That is why I think movies are fishy. Not just fishy, but super fishy.

Driving is super fun.

This Wednesday I got my learners permit so now I can drive with my parent or guardian at my side. I started driving in a parking lot where I learned how to use the brakes, blinkers, but manly common sense. When I went to the DMV to get my permit I was really nervous. I went there, got my picture taken, took a test, and then went home to congratulate myself with an Oreo milk shake. I passed the test on my first time, but I didn't think that I was going to. A couple of the questions I didn't know what it was asking, so I just put down what I thought would be a safer answer. I clicked submit expecting it to say something like you fail at life, but when I clicked submit there was a green box that said you did it. In my head there was the Dora the Explorer music going on because I felt so awesome. Now that I've gotten behind the wheel though I feel as though I have a whole new test to pass. I'm not very smooth when I drive. I get going and then I need to stop at a stop sign, and my foot steps on the brake a little bit too hard. My mom says that I have a lead foot because I don't drive very smooth yet. My steering is not very smooth either. I spin the steering wheel and then just let it slide through my hands, but when I do that it just goes all willy nilly in my hands. Oh well, I'll get better. I can already feel myself getting better as the days go by. What I really like is my license. It's got my eye color, my hair color, my weight, my height, my date of birth, my picture, and most importantly my signature. I've probably stared at that permit so much that I've probably got a photographic memory of it by now.  I know, I'm crazy, but I love driving it is super fun.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Just happens to be in your possession.

When I say that something just happens to be in your possession I mean that you actually own something. One thing that I find really weird is when somebody gives you something, and when you get that something you are just wondering what in the world you're going to do with that something. It happens to us all the time, and I think it's so weird. For instance somebody gives you a knife that can cut a penny; the next year you need a knife that can cut a penny for some reason (say some scouting activity) and you start thinking where on the planet earth am I going to get a knife that can cut a penny, when all of a sudden you find a knife that can cut a penny in its brand new box in your basement. Wow, what is the probability of that happening? It's like that person was thinking man o man they are going to need this sometime. I think that it is just the coolest feeling when you happen to have something in your possession.

Getting all of your distractions out of the way so you can consentrate.

I've learned that if you get rid of all your distractions then you will be able to concentrate. For example, a little bit ago I wanted to go roller blading, but knew that I had a ton of homework. I went roller blading, had a good time, and now I can do my homework in a breeze. I believe that it's that way with everything. If you are having a hard time reading because you are just thinking about video games, then find a good place to stop in your book and go play some video games. Once you have eliminated the distractions then you will be able to think more clearly and work faster. Another example is if you are doing your homework and the TVs on, then you need to turn off the TV to get rid of the distraction. I was just thinking about this in the morning this morning, and I thought that it was probably the smartest and simplest theory on the planet earth. If you're on a diet, and you need to eat healthy, then don't buy food that will make you want it. Don't buy donuts, Twinkies, and soda if you're going to get distracted by it. Also don't go to places that don't have healthy food. It is all about distractions. Never give in to them.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Things are built differently.

Things are built a lot differently than they used to be. I went on a winter camp out last weekend, and my toes froze off. I don't own my own boots so I just had to use my dad's boots, and they were super cold. The part of the boot were your toes go was made out of rubber, and that rubber had a hole in it. Rubbers waterproof and all, but it is a lot better if you have some insulation to keep your toes warm. I'm pretty sure that I would have been less cold if I would have just worn my tennis shoes because those boots suck. They were made in like the 80's so that might explain why. Next time I go on a camp out I am definitely going to get my own boots. I was really warm except for my toes. That makes sense because my other gear is more up to date, and doesn't have holes in it. My dad's boots don't have any traction either because I was slipping all over the place. Things are definitely made differently.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Why is it that some people don't think?

The sole purpose why I am writing this is because I am fed up with those who just plainly don't think. I am sick of those bozos that really make me ticked off. Just about every week my family gets called by this kid in our ward asking if we will take him up to the church for mutual, and every single time we do. The problem that I have though is that all of his brothers and sisters are up there. It's like he doesn't think because his sister drives up there, but he never goes with her. He just doesn't think. He is super nice and super peaceful and I don't want to hurt his feelings, but man sometimes I just want to tell him to get a ride with his sister. The next problem that I have is when people cut you off while you're driving. All that I ever think is, come on mane what is up with that.

One thing that I find is really hard to do is think fast. Today for gym class we played volleyball, and man I stink at that because whenever I go to bump the ball I get my hands together, but never the right way. That can be something that's hard to do, but it's not like your not thinking, you're just not thinking as fast as you're supposed to do. It's kind of like those moments when you're playing basketball, and the ball hits the rim, bounces straight down at your face, and then you get a bloody nose. Those moments make you look really stupid, and they really hurt. Sometimes when that happens all your thinking is, what was I thinking. Those moments are the worst.

I also hate it when your teacher doesn't know what he's talking about. A few days ago my science teacher thought that 3 times 3 was 8, and let me tell you it's not. Those moments are the moments when you ask yourself if your teacher is a legitimate teacher, or if he's just a phony who got his license off the back of a serial box; 3rd graders know that 3 times 3 is not eight, so if my teacher doesn't then I'm getting worried. Some people just don't think.

The last and final thing that I don't understand is why people are always forgetting things. Man it makes me super mad when somebody forgets their part of the project the day that it's due. It also kind of annoys me that we get graded off of those dumb peoples work because it's not our faults that they're so forgetful. It also makes me angry when you get paired up with somebody that could care less about what score he gets on the project. When that happens you are left all by yourself doing the project, but that's kind of beside the point because I was talking about forgetting. Man I am really angry when those losers never do their part because they forgot to bring it. Forgetting sucks.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Video games

Video games can be a big distraction to me. As fun as video games are they can be a big distraction. Whenever I am doing homework I always get that urge that I "need" to go play some video games. I know, I know, you're just thinking that I'm a video game addict, but it's true I would rather play video games than do homework. I would way rather play FIFA 12 or Modern Warfare 3 or any video game for that matter. This world is starting to become a messed up place. Video games are a huge distraction to me and many others out there I think. Maybe not, maybe I'm the only one that's messed up like that, but I'm thinking that there's more out there than just me. Maybe if I just keep in mind that the faster that I get my homework done the faster that I will be able to play video games then maybe I will not have a problem with video games.

Rain is super boring.

Rain is super boring compared to any other type of weather. Raining is so boring all that you can ever do is stay inside. It's not like snowing, hailing, or anything. In the snow you can go skiing, sledding, and snowboarding while in the rain you can only go play some boardgames, indoors. Board games can be fun for a little bit, but after like 30 minutes it's super boring just to think that you have to go again. That is why rain is the worst type of weather. I mean in the summer you can do a ton of stuff. You can play just about every sport on the planet earth including swimming, baseball, basketball, football, soccer, and all the stuff that you can do in the rain. Soccer is one exception to the rain. If you've ever played soccer in the rain it's a blast. Soccer is one of the funnest sports on the planet earth to play in the rain, but that's the only thing that you can ever do in the rain. Even when it's hailing you can have more fun than when it's raining. Personally I think it's a lot funner to get hit by hail than it is to get hit by rain. Rain destroys things too. If it rains a ton then you start to get flooding problems, and everything gets wet. It can be one heck of a mess to clean up sometimes. That is why I like the other types of weather a lot more. So as long as I'm inside, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The best food is always the seasonal food!

The best food is always the seasonal food! I say this because I'm eating Cherry JuJu Hearts, and these hearts wouldn't be very good if you could have them all year long. I think that it's the fact that we can't have them all year long that makes us want to buy them when they come back in stock. Another example is Eggnog. In my mind Eggnog is delicious, but I sort of get bored of it after a while. That is why the companies do that. They make you buy all their candy when it comes out. This is definitely a good way to make people buy your stuff. The next example that I have is Cadbury. This company makes billions of dollars during Easter because they sell a ton of candy during Easter. This is another one of those companies that wouldn't make much money if they sold that type of candy year round. Now that we see eye to eye, you and I can make the conclusion that the best food is always the seasonal food!

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Here in a few weeks I am going camping. This isn't just any camping, it's Klondike camping. My scout troop and I are going to go snow caving up in the mountains, and it's going to be awesome. There's only one problem though, and that's the fact that even the mountains don't have very much snow. For a snow cave it is preferable that we have at least 4-5 feet of snow, and right now the mountains only have about a foot of snow. As you can see this is going to create a problem because we need a lot more snow than that. There's not much that I can do except for maybe hope and pray that snow comes. No matter how much snow we have I'm really excited to go on this trip. I've got just about everything that I need, and I'm going to do just about every trick in the book to stay warm at night. One of the things that really keeps you warm at night is Hand Warmers. If you stick hand warmers in your sleeping bag at night then you will feel a lot of heat being generated from that alone. The next thing that I always do is bring a rice bag. Rice bags, kind of like hand warmers, but bigger, keep you warm. All that you need to do is set your rice bag by the fire at night for a couple of minutes until it is hot to the tough, and then go and stick it in your sleeping bag about 20 minutes before you go to bed. I would also drink hot chocolate before you go to bed. I wouldn't drink it right before you go to bed, but probably more like an hour before you go to bed so that way you aren't up all night long. I am going to be using all of these tips and tricks just so that I can stay warm, but sleep well also. I know that I will need just about every tip and trick on earth just to stay warm because I am as skinny as can be, and I know that I will freeze super-fast in this crazy weather. Right now I'm getting really excited for these snow caves because I want to build a super awesome one. My scout leader has told us about all the times that he has gone snow caving, so I'm not scared at all. He knows how to build the best snow caves on the planet Earth. He told us about one snow cave where it had a middle part that was the troop get to gather place, and then it had tunnels leading to all the other places where people slept. This sounds so cool because I love engineering. Now I'm really getting excited. All of this can happen if it just snows a lot between now and a couple weeks from now. Wish me luck everybody because I can't wait much longer.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Bucket list, but not the official bucket list.

So far I have always wanted to do a lot of things, but only certain things made it onto my bucket list.
P.S. The line right next to the thing is a spot for me to check it off.

Bucket List:

Go on a cruise in the Caribbean__

Go sky diving__

Be in an air force jet__

Shoot an M16__

Go to Hawaii__

Be in a police chase seen (without being chased)__

Invent my own vehicle/motorbike/thingy ma doodle__

Wrestle a sumo__

Catch a swordfish (preferably without getting stabbed)__

Catch a shark__

Swim with a shark__

Get to space__

Graduate from Stanford__

Become a lawyer__

Have a badge (like a police badge)__

Have the credentials to see classified information__

And finally last but not least get married in a temple__

Now I do realize that some of these things I might not be able to do, and some of them will kill me if I try to do. Anyhow I'm going to do all of them, or die trying to do all of them. Personally I think that they are all achievable especially since I am so smart and athletic, but anyhow wish me luck.

Official New Year's resolutions

Normally I don't have resolutions. I just show up to things and get told what I'm about to do, but this year I made a few New Year's resolutions. All of these resolutions are for my benefit because I deserve it. These will make my life slightly more difficult, but less stressed. First I will tell you my plan, and then I will explain why, how, and where that resolution all came about.

The first resolution that I have is to procrastinate less. Lately I've been procrastinating too much. When I say this I'm thinking of homework. I've been putting my homework off to the last minute every single time, and I've got to stop it because it's dropping my grades, and it's stressing me out. To top it all off I've been super tired because I've been staying up all night long. This was definitely a big problem that needed to stop. To conquer this goal I'm going to start a little bit at a time. I've already been less stressed out, and I can tell it's made a big difference.

The next resolution that I had was to space my time out more accordingly. This resolution corresponds with the other one a little bit. This was the resolution that I made so that I'm not up till mid night. Most of the time when this happens it's because of video games that I play for two hours while I should be doing homework. From now on I'm going to do my homework first and then if I have time I will do whatever I want.

This is going to be the best year ever if I follow all of these rules because there is one part that I left out, and that's the fact that I get in trouble if I don't do my homework. Now that my parents won't be yelling at me I won't be angry, and I won't be stressed out.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Soon I am going to be driving. Really soon actually, and I've been thinking about things. As I've been reading up on the drivers handbook I've noticed a lot of things such as how people drive. Frankly I think that a lot of people now a days need to retake the driving test, or at least act like they know what they are doing. Even my dad sometimes drives like a maniac, and if you tell him to watch out for a car he just yells at you, and tells you that he was watchin' out. Well, as I've been reading the handbook I've been thinking about how I'm going to drive. I'm starting to wonder if I'm going to be one of those crazy drivers, or one of those drivers that is just a little bit to cautious, and yes that is an understatement. Some things in the handbook are just common sense, and some of it is completely stupid, if you will, like the fact that you can't drive with a passenger in your car until you've had your licence for six months. All of these things can be pretty weird sometimes, and I'm starting to wonder if those overly cautious people wrote this handbook primarily for there safety. I'm also starting to wonder who wrote this stuff because a lot of people don't even stick to it, including those who wrote it I think. Well, anyway those are just my thoughts on driving now a days, and to tell you the truth I hope that I'll be in between those two driving types because I don't want to be crazy, and I don't want to be to cautious.