Saturday, March 31, 2012

Spring Break.

It's spring break, and I'm so flipping excited it's not even funny. At the end of the week my family is going to Zions national park, and it should be super fun, but the one thing is every time I hear more about it, I don't want to go. I really would like to spend a whole week down there, but at this moment I'm just going to be staying for 3 days. That really makes me kind of mad because I wanted to hike Angels landing, but my parents say that's a hike that you hike when you're down there for a whole week. What a bummer. For those of you that don't know what Angels Landing is, I'll tell you. It's a hike at Zions National park, that has cliffs on both sides of you, and you have to hold on to a chain mounted on the cliff. Now when I say there's cliffs on both sides, I mean it. It's a four foot path, sometimes as narrow as 3 feet, and on both sides of you are cliffs, like 2000 feet down cliffs. Now if you're a girl you are probably thinking that's the dumbest idea you've ever heard of, whereas if you are a guy you probably thinking that you want to go hike that cliff. It's a really fun hike, but I heard that it's like five miles long, so you want to have more days down there than just 3, which is why I'm ticked. I want to be down there for like the whole week or more because there's a ton to do in Zions national park. I'm starting to think that this trip is going to be one of the more dumb ones because since my grandma is paying for it. We are staying at the biggest dump of a hotel ever. It has a swimming pool, but what hotel doesn't. The last hotel that we stayed at had a pool, but it had cement on the bottom that had been warned away to sand. The water tasted so nasty I thought I was going to die from getting it in my mouth. I think it's safe to say we didn't spend much time there. See, I just don't want to have a miserable time in Zions over spring break because of dumb things. Well, that's my spring break, probably miserable.

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