Saturday, March 17, 2012

Anybody can do anything if they put their mind to it.

I've learned through things that if you put your mind to something that it will happen. Today my church ball team just won another game in regions, and if we win on Thursday then we will make it to the championship. Today I was nervous, but I put my mind to the win, and we killed them. We beat them by over 40 points. It was definitely a big and important game. I've also noticed that through homework sometimes I feel over loaded, but if I put my mind to it I get it done. Sometimes I will be thinking, "I really don't want to do any homework," so I procrastinate it. Then I realize that I'm going to have to do it sometime, so I had better just get it started. I've been told a lot by my friends that I suck at basketball, but my church ball team just made it to the final four in region, so I must be doing something right because I made 10 points today, and I made a buzzer beater at the last second of the game. The game was really only like 4 against 5 because one kid on the other team just stood in one spot the whole time, and didn't move plus they didn't have any subs so we just wore them out. This instant just shows us that if you put your mind to something then anything can happen.

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