Sunday, May 6, 2012

Video Games

I'm not exactly sure what the world's biggest past time is, but I'd be willing to bet that video games are pretty close to the top. I'm not exactly sure that that's a good thing though because I know a lot of people that play video games to much. For example my friend has two get 2 hours a day in on his X-Box, or he "can't live to the next day. That is no longer a past time. That is an addiction, and it is controlling his life. It is a "necessity" for him. That's the problem. Video games were made to be played when you have free time, and to have fun in your free time. Now that they are controlling people I'm not sure that they are a good thing. Video games can be fun though, don't get me wrong. I enjoy playing some Call of Duty, or FIFA, or Basketball, or whatever. What is it that makes video games so addictive? Personally I'm not addicted to video games, but I know quite a lot of people who are. I know one person who played them for 5 days straight, pausing the game only for food and water. How is that possible? How can somebody play video games for 5 days straight? I would rather go run, bike, and swim way more than I would want to play video games. Right now they have all of these games that you can play online with somebody else that you don't even know. In FIFA you can play your ultimate team against somebody else, and you can try to win, and based upon how you do you can get more money, more experience points, and more and better statistics. In Call of Duty you can create different customs to use while you go out and try to shoot all the other people. You can customize your person to have the best gun, the best grenades, and the best second gun. The more you play the more experience points you get, and the more levels your guy grows. Once you can't level up any more you can prestige, which is losing all you money and all your weapons to start over. It sounds stupid, but the more you prestige the better your icon and image looks to people. Maybe that is where it gets addicting. People want to prestige. All I can say is I'm glad I'm not addicted.  

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