Thursday, January 26, 2012

Why is it that some people don't think?

The sole purpose why I am writing this is because I am fed up with those who just plainly don't think. I am sick of those bozos that really make me ticked off. Just about every week my family gets called by this kid in our ward asking if we will take him up to the church for mutual, and every single time we do. The problem that I have though is that all of his brothers and sisters are up there. It's like he doesn't think because his sister drives up there, but he never goes with her. He just doesn't think. He is super nice and super peaceful and I don't want to hurt his feelings, but man sometimes I just want to tell him to get a ride with his sister. The next problem that I have is when people cut you off while you're driving. All that I ever think is, come on mane what is up with that.

One thing that I find is really hard to do is think fast. Today for gym class we played volleyball, and man I stink at that because whenever I go to bump the ball I get my hands together, but never the right way. That can be something that's hard to do, but it's not like your not thinking, you're just not thinking as fast as you're supposed to do. It's kind of like those moments when you're playing basketball, and the ball hits the rim, bounces straight down at your face, and then you get a bloody nose. Those moments make you look really stupid, and they really hurt. Sometimes when that happens all your thinking is, what was I thinking. Those moments are the worst.

I also hate it when your teacher doesn't know what he's talking about. A few days ago my science teacher thought that 3 times 3 was 8, and let me tell you it's not. Those moments are the moments when you ask yourself if your teacher is a legitimate teacher, or if he's just a phony who got his license off the back of a serial box; 3rd graders know that 3 times 3 is not eight, so if my teacher doesn't then I'm getting worried. Some people just don't think.

The last and final thing that I don't understand is why people are always forgetting things. Man it makes me super mad when somebody forgets their part of the project the day that it's due. It also kind of annoys me that we get graded off of those dumb peoples work because it's not our faults that they're so forgetful. It also makes me angry when you get paired up with somebody that could care less about what score he gets on the project. When that happens you are left all by yourself doing the project, but that's kind of beside the point because I was talking about forgetting. Man I am really angry when those losers never do their part because they forgot to bring it. Forgetting sucks.

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