Friday, February 17, 2012

My dad doesn't care about my stuff.

Today I asked my dad if we could go get some ski boots. He said that I wasn't going anywhere until I finished my homework. Later in the day my dad asked if I would go with my brother to this merit badge class, but what did I say? Yeah that's right you got it, "I can't go anywhere until I finish my homework," I said. Wow that shows my dad. Of course now he'll probably never take me to get ski boots, but it shows him that if he wants me to do something then he had better help me out to. I'm sick of being his slave. I'm pretty sure that I will get my mom to come get ski boots with my while my dad is at that merit badge class. That will show him.

The next thing that I hate about my dad is that he wakes me up super early on my breaks. Today I wanted to sleep in and catch up on some beauty sleep, but apparently my dad had different plans. He wanted me to get up and get going on my homework so that I would be able to go to that merit badge class with my brother. How selfish can one get? I'll tell you right now that I'm not going to throw away all my plans for somebody if they aren't willing to return in the giving process. It doesn't work that way.

I truly believe that my dad doesn't care about my plans, but I think I'm going to change that because it's becoming a joke. He's always complaining to me that I never hang out with friends enough, but whenever I ask if I can hang out with friends he doesn't let me. He is the biggest hypocrite there ever was.

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