Saturday, May 26, 2012


It's almost summer, and I'm almost there, to high school. I've learned so much, and I've gained new friends, but soon I will be saying goodbye to a bunch of these people. I'm going to miss some people, and I'm not going to miss some people, but the great thing is that I will be meeting new friends, and I will be meeting up with old friends. Next year is going to be super fun, and this summer is going to be super fun. I have marching band on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I have to be there at seven o'clock all the way to ten o'clock. I'm not super worried though because I think that I will be able to enjoy it. Thank goodness most of my best friends will be going to Davis with me, but I will be leaving some good friends behind. I will also be leaving some great teachers behind. This is probably going to be my last post for a long time, so I just wanted to say goodbye to a lot of those people. Goodbye friends. We will be able to party this week at school since it's the last week, so let's party it up and say our goodbyes. We've got a party in Spanish class on Tuesday, a Talent Show assembly on Wednesday, Ninth Grade Lagoon day, to party all day long, and of course a yearbook day on Friday to get to say our goodbyes. Plus I know that my friends and I are going to have a big party on Friday after school. I'm going to miss all of you that I'm leaving, and I'm glad that most of my friends that I'm not leaving will be in marching band with me this summer so that I can stay in touch. I'd also like to say thank you to all of my teachers this year because they have helped me out so much. I can't wait for this summer, and I can't wait for next year when I will have a ton of friends. A bunch of my friends and I are going to get Snow Basin passes so we can go every weekend. Next year is going to be a blast. Thank you and goodbye, to those of you that I will be leaving. I hope to see you around.

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