Friday, January 6, 2012

Bucket list, but not the official bucket list.

So far I have always wanted to do a lot of things, but only certain things made it onto my bucket list.
P.S. The line right next to the thing is a spot for me to check it off.

Bucket List:

Go on a cruise in the Caribbean__

Go sky diving__

Be in an air force jet__

Shoot an M16__

Go to Hawaii__

Be in a police chase seen (without being chased)__

Invent my own vehicle/motorbike/thingy ma doodle__

Wrestle a sumo__

Catch a swordfish (preferably without getting stabbed)__

Catch a shark__

Swim with a shark__

Get to space__

Graduate from Stanford__

Become a lawyer__

Have a badge (like a police badge)__

Have the credentials to see classified information__

And finally last but not least get married in a temple__

Now I do realize that some of these things I might not be able to do, and some of them will kill me if I try to do. Anyhow I'm going to do all of them, or die trying to do all of them. Personally I think that they are all achievable especially since I am so smart and athletic, but anyhow wish me luck.

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