Sunday, January 1, 2012


Soon I am going to be driving. Really soon actually, and I've been thinking about things. As I've been reading up on the drivers handbook I've noticed a lot of things such as how people drive. Frankly I think that a lot of people now a days need to retake the driving test, or at least act like they know what they are doing. Even my dad sometimes drives like a maniac, and if you tell him to watch out for a car he just yells at you, and tells you that he was watchin' out. Well, as I've been reading the handbook I've been thinking about how I'm going to drive. I'm starting to wonder if I'm going to be one of those crazy drivers, or one of those drivers that is just a little bit to cautious, and yes that is an understatement. Some things in the handbook are just common sense, and some of it is completely stupid, if you will, like the fact that you can't drive with a passenger in your car until you've had your licence for six months. All of these things can be pretty weird sometimes, and I'm starting to wonder if those overly cautious people wrote this handbook primarily for there safety. I'm also starting to wonder who wrote this stuff because a lot of people don't even stick to it, including those who wrote it I think. Well, anyway those are just my thoughts on driving now a days, and to tell you the truth I hope that I'll be in between those two driving types because I don't want to be crazy, and I don't want to be to cautious.

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