Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years

Technically it isn't New Years yet, but I can feel it coming. It's going to be a big party. On Saturday night I am hanging out with my cousins so that we can count down the new year, and then on Sunday I'm going to my grandmas. New Years is a party.

Right now I'm wondering if I'm going to have the energy to stay up that late because I have  been sick the last few days, and I'm not feeling super great today. Anyway I think that I'm going to have to stay up though because I'm going to be playing Bunco, and I love that game. Also I'm sure that I will be drinking a ton of pop, but there is the occasional problem that goes wrong with my plan. Right now I've been wondering what my plans really are tonight because I don't think that anybodies even told me. Oh well I'll just go with the flow.

Right now I'm really hungry, but I kind of need room for tonight because I'm sure there will be tons of food. Also I'm wondering if Travis Pastrona is going to do another dare devil trick at midnight like his football field jump on a motorbike, or his rally car jump. All of these were cool things that he did, and I want to see another one. They are always quit exciting.

This New Years is going to be the funnest one yet. No matter how late it is, or how stuffed I get, I think that it's going to be one of the funnest things ever.

Saturday, December 17, 2011


Skiing is a big thing in my family. I've been skiing a lot, and I love it. I love everything about skiing. I love the fact that even though it's snowing, and your skiing on snow your still sweating. This is the sweetest thing that I have ever heard of. I love how ski resorts have lodges made like cabins, I love the ski lifts taking us up the mountain, and I love the fact that there are these big trucks that plow the hills. Skiing is the best thing on the planet. I really want to go to Colorado to ski because they have the biggest ski resort in the United States. I also want to go to Norway to go skiing. Skiing in Norway is big. They are big on ski jumping. They can fly with their nose into their tips. These two places have already been added to my bucket list.

Me and my cousins go skiing a lot together, and it's now a big yearly thing in my family. We haven't gone this year, but I'm totally thrilled with the idea even. This is going to be sick. We are going to fill the whole resort just with my family. My cousins and I are tight, so we hang out often. My cousins are actually on their way right now, and I'm going to show them my brand new skis that I just bought. My brand new skis are orange, wide, and made for powder. They are normally 800 dollar skis, but I got them for only 15 dollars at the DI. They are like brand new, and I'm totally happy. I cannot wait to go skiing with my skis because they are going to be totally sweet. They are powder skis, and I'm going to powder it up. It's going to be sweet.

What people do when they're borred.

I've noticed a lot of the time that people do different things when they are borred. There are those people that actually look for something to do, and there are those people that eat their faces off when they are borred. I would classify myself as both, but right now I'm stuffing my face off. I think that it's partially because I have homework to do, but when I don't have homework to do I would be searching for something fun to do. Homework can sometimes put a big strain on us sometimes. I think that if you look up the work borring in the dictionary you see the word homework. That is what I think about homework, but right now I'm not wanting to discuss that. There are many different things that people do when they are borred. Let's make a list because frankly I don't have anything better to do. People read, eat, write, play videogames, shop, watch tv, eat, drink, go to hang out with friends, eat, and wish that they were eating. You may have noticed that I listed eat a lot, but I'm not going to tell you why because I'm going to go eat.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Parties

Christmas parties are the best. During the month of December you have approximately 10 different Christmas parties, but who's complaining because I'm not. If you are like me you have a Christmas party with your ward, a Christmas party for every side of your family, and a Christmas party with all your friends. After all the Christmas parties are totaled up you have approximately 10 different Christmas parties. Now who's complaining? At just about every single one of those parties you have tons of fun, and eat tons of food. Christmas parties are the best. No questions asked.

Saturday, December 10, 2011


December brings many things with it. When you think of December you think of skiing, sledding, and snowboarding. This all fits the title of December, but the biggest thing that fits December is Christmas. Christmas brings many different, but fun experiences. After Thanksgiving I think that it's our cue to listen to Christmas music. Christmas is just one of the many things that you think about when you think about December. It's such a big one that when you think about Christmas you think about skiing, sledding, and snowboarding. You also think about snow, snowmen, and snowflakes. Christmas is wonderful. December is wonderful.

I'm looking out window right now wondering where our snow is. Right now it's so bright outside that it's depressing. If it were June, July, or even August I would be alright with sun, but having a super bright sun in December well that's depressing. Where is our white Christmas? Where is the snow that's supposed to bury our houses so that we don't have to go to school? Where is all that joy? I'll tell you straight up..... I don't know. Right now I am tempted to leave my spot, and go play some basketball with my friend, but I have so much homework that it is coming out of my ears. I'll tell you one thing that I don't think of when I think of December, and that's homework, but somehow homework ends up in my schedule even during Christmas break. I can't figure it out for the life of me. Where's the real December?

Currently at this moment I am thinking about skiing. I just bought some new skis, and I want to get out and use them. There's only one problem though and that is the fact that I don't have ski boots. I've been looking for some that are nice, but not super expensive. I found some on under classifieds, but my parents kept procrastinating to help me call that person up so that we could go get them. I later found out that they were bought up this Wednesday, and now the hunt continues. This is a mess.

Now that you know what I think about when I think about December. It's time for me to let you go. You may personally not think of those things when you think of December, but I do. You may think of Santa Clause, Christmas songs, and baking, but for all I care this is what I think about.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Board games

Thank goodness for board games because without them we would be pretty bored when the power is out. It's always good to have a favorite card game, or board game, so when the power is out you don't have to sit on the couch and be bored all day long. When my family wasn't cleaning up the neighborhood we were playing a card game. My brother, who is blind, loves to play games with dice in it. These games consist of Yahtzee, zilch, and phase ten dice. These games are really fun, and when you have a brother that is so lucky it just makes it even more hard. Anyway, it is always good to have a good board game on hand because they are fun to play when you don't have anything else to do.

Crazy weather

This week is filled with crazy stuff. The wind was blowing 95 miles an hour, and now all the trees are knocked over. Kaysville is practically treeless by now, and the golf course lost over 100 trees. The only good thing about this week is that we didn't have school on Thursday or Friday, but that just meant that I had to go outside to help pick up a bunch of trees. In my neighborhood alone there was over 40 different trees knocked over. This is madness.

"There's a book flying down the road", says a kid who wants to leave. The only problem is that the principal doesn't want to have to make it up during the summer, so he wasn't going to cancel school. Generally, I go to school without any problems, but today was an exception. As you drive down the road your car gets hit by many and many different shingles. Hoping to come away scar less, I ran inside the school to safety. The school, usually lit up, was dark when I walked in. The teachers, usually in their classrooms, where in the halls telling us to get to the gym. The teachers told us to get to the gym with a reading book, a coat, and our selves. When we looked out the windows we saw flying shingles, books, and wood planks.

Now that you know how crazy it was at our school it's time for me to tell you that when I got home I saw so many knocked down fences, knocked down trees, and knocked off shingles. It was madness. There was a tree that fell down on a boat, a car, and a house. It was a big tree, and it took down a lot of stuff, but yet it didn't hurt anyone. "Let's crack out the chainsaws", said my neighbor, "so we can get down and dirty." It sure needed to happen to because we had a lot of downed trees. That was how crazy this weekend was.

Now that it is Sunday, they're telling us that we're going to have high winds tonight. I'm cool with high winds, but I just hope that they cancel school. Well I'm going to let you go because I'm really hungry, and I want to eat something. Goodbye and goodnight.

Saturday, November 26, 2011


What is it with chocolate that makes it so good? Before Europeans found sugar, and new how to make it, they had dull chocolate. Now that we have sugar in our chocolate it is delicious. Now that we have Hershey's chocolate our lives have changed. Without chocolate, I think I would die. Right now I am currently eating a symphony bar, which tastes super amazing. If you think about it there is a lot of things that have chocolate. If you went through your whole day you would probably find a lot of chocolate in places that you wouldn't normally expect. There is chocolate milk, candy, chocolate flavored cold cereal, and even Oreo's.  The world is made up of chocolate, and I love it.This pretty much concludes the chocolate blog, so have a good one.


From past experiences of Thanksgiving it seems that I ate, and ate until I was full. This year I didn't even try to eat until I was full, because this year we were assigned seats. I was forced to sit down stairs at this wobbly table with my cousins, who usually have the maturity level of a three year old, and with dirty silverware. My grandma didn't even send down any of the good food, and by the time that I ate what I did eat. I wasn't feeling all that good. The day after Thanksgiving, I was sick.

I think that it is safe to say that this was the worst Thanksgiving on the planet earth. The next morning I went to Cabella's, for Black Friday. I was super excited to go, but on the way I got a migraine. This was the start of food poisoning. My uncle, and cousins who I went with, are super big hunters. This meant that we were going to be there a while. My migraine hurt so bad that I couldn't even think of how you say migraine, so that I could tell them that I had a migraine. My right arm was completely asleep, and I was probably walking around Cabella's with red circles around my eyes. This was the worst experience of my life.

Thanks a lot grandma. I blame your dirty spoons, and those nasty tasting Froot Loops. I had Froot Loops for breakfast Friday morning before we went to Cabella's. They tasted really bad, but I kept eating them. I first got the feeling that it was the Froot Loops that made me sick, because my puke looked like straight Mountain Dew. It was gross. Now that I felt super terrible, I only had to deal with that for just about 2 more hours before I would ever get home.

All of these events consisted of my Thanksgiving, which sucked. Hopefully next year is better, because I don't want to have to go through that ever again. Next year we're going to my other grandparents, who don't give you dirty silverware, and who doesn't have 5 year old Froot Loops. Froot Loops are never going to be eaten my me again. This all might sound pretty selfish to you, but I hope that your Thanksgiving break was better than mine was.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The world that it seems in my eyes.

It seems like the same people walk to school, drive to school, or ride the bus to school. What would happen if everything was mixed up? Well, I will tell you. I don't know. You always have the same people doing the same things. There are those people who are always sitting in the same place, there are always those that are always running to classes, and there are always those that are covering their lunch tray like they are hiding something.

Until yesterday my school was really boring, and not interesting. Yesterday, the farmer across the street shot his cow and gutted it. You may be wondering, how does this make your school any less boring? Well, pretty much the whole school saw it happen. It was weird. All that you heard was a gun shot, Then, you would walk over to the window to see what was going on, when you see a guy in overalls gutting a cow. This conversation is kind of weird, because right now there is a big, 1 pound, bloody hamburger right next to me. It's kind of haunting. Kind of like war of the worlds. That movie scared the crap out of me. The whole time I jumped even when I knew that something was probably going to jump out. I had nightmares for weeks. Well anyway, that is how I see things.

The next item of business is lunch ladies. They are always trying to stop you from cutting in line when they are the only ones that even care if we butt in line. Not only that, but there is one lunch lady at my school that makes you stand single file. Personally I don't think that she has anything better to do, but she is still kind of a Nazi. The next order of business happens to do with the lunch room also. They are now putting the silverware on the opposite side of the cafeteria. This makes it so that once you get your food, you have to walk all the way across the lunch room just to get silverware. They used to have it just right at the end of the lunch line. This seems to create havoc, because now all the kids that have homelunch stop by there on their way in, and grab a whole bunch of silverware for the table that they are sitting at. This seems to be a mess, because the lunch ladies don't like it when we do that. Technically there isn't a rule against it, but as I said before. The lunch ladies are natzies.

So all, and all. This is the world as it seems in my eyes wrapped up in a nutshell. However your day goes by, there is always something that sticks out, such as the girls volley ball team actually winning a game, or if the color guard actually catches their flags. These are great examples of things that stick out.

P.S. When you are cutting in line, don't make any sudden movements.

Saturday, November 12, 2011


Don't you hate it when you are disappointed? Well I do. We were supposed to have a flag football game today, but we didn't because nobody knew about it. This is a joke. I don't understand why nobody who was in charge of this didn't tell us that we have a game. It seems that I was the only one that even knew about the game. This is a joke.

It seems that if it was your job to tell everyone that they had a game, and at a certain time. You would tell somebody. My advisor was the only person that even knew about this game, but he thought that we would like know about it. I mean it's not like people have telekinesis. Oh well just so long as we can get the game out there next time. Because, now we have a game at one, because it is double elimination.

Not that I am trying to make you fill bad for me, but I am just trying to get my feelings out. This is a joke. We made it to region, but we couldn't even play because nobody knew about it. Oh well there is always next year to get things staight.

Friday, November 11, 2011


I feel so excited. I feel as though I am going to explode. I am feeling a mixture of emotions right now, but I am not sure why. Are you ever so hyped up that you can't even fall asleep, but you are more tired than ever before? Well that is what I feel.

I have no clue why I am excited. I have got a whole bunch of things coming up, so I should really be stressed out, but I am actually very excited. I have a flag football game tomorrow, a friend to help on his eagle project, and a football game to watch. All of this is happening tomorrow, and I am super excited. Not only that but my birthday is in November, and Thanksgiving is in November also. This month is going to be sick. I mean today was one of the coolest days in history. 11/11/11 was today, oh and it was also Veterans Day, but 11/11/11 is a lot cooler.

My birthday is the day before Thanksgiving, and it is going to be so much fun. We get school of on that week which means that I won't have school on my birthday. For mutual on that Wednesday we are going to have a turkey bowl. By the way if you don't know what that is, it's just football. Between you and me, I thought that it was bowling with a Turkey, but luckily somebody else embarrassed themselves and not me by asking the question, "What is so cool about bowling with a Turkey?" Now I know that it is just football close to Thanksgiving. Right now I am already praying for snow on that day so that we can play some tackle football in the snow. That would be awesome!

Now that I have let out my feelings, and emotions, I hope you can that I am really excited. There are a lot of fun things happening this month, but then I just get bummed out when I realize that I have a ton of homework. No matter the homework, I am getting senoritas. This is going to be sweet!

Saturday, November 5, 2011


If you lived 50 years ago. Then you wouldn't have as much technology as we do. Your life would have been a lot different then, and if you were to look through a time machine, then you would be amazed. As marvelous as our technology is, there are some people that don't believe in being worldly. They only drive horse drawn carriages. Personally I think that that is crazy, and that technology is to make our lives easier than it is today.

In my house we have phones, computers, TVs, and much more. If we didn't have these things, our lives would be a lot harder, and we wouldn't be able to communicate with our friends and family as well. I am very thankful for this technology that we have. I want to become an engineer someday like an electrical engineer, or a mechanical engineer, so I love it when people come out with cooler technology. Thank you engineers, and help us prepare for the future.

Fredricos pizza

Fredricos Pizza is the best pizza on the planet earth. I could end this blog right their, because that is all there is to it. Fredricos' ham pizza is the best. Their ham pizza is different than all other pizzas. Most pizzas have square slices that are all right, but most assuredly not as good Fredricos Pizza. They grind their ham up. The ham covers every square millimeter of pizza at least twice. The ham pizza is the best.

Now that you know a little background information about Fredricos. It is time for me to tell you that I went to Fredricos pizza today, and it was my cousins birthday party, at Fredricos. It is his 18th birthday, and he is my favorite cousin, so of course I was going to go to his birthday party. My cousin is super strong, and super smart. He is the best football player that I know, and I really want to be like him. His birthday party was awesome, and we almost set off the fire alarms.

Who knew that birthday candles gave off so much smoke. He had to blow out 18 candles, so maybe that is why we were all nervous about the fire alarms going off. Once he blew them all out we noticed that there was a lot of smoke in the are, and had do open some doors up. We didn't really care about the fire alarm going off so much, but what we were really worried about was the sprinklers above our heads. After the party my grandma cleaned up the whole area for the janitorial crew there at Fredricos. I don't see why though. It is their job to clean up our mess, but that is my grandma for you.

If you have never been to Fredricos pizza then you are crazy. Just kidding. I invite you to go there because they have the best pizza on the planet earth, but you have to get their ham pizza or else it is just a waste of your time and money. Fredricos pizza is on Utah State Aggies' campus. Which is in Logan Utah. I guarantee that if you go there, and get their ham pizza then you will not be disappointed. So really. Just go to Fredricos.

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Snowing on Halloween!

For some reason I get the feeling that it is going to snow on Monday. Hence forth Halloween. I don't have any facts that it is going to snow on Halloween, or I don't even know if the weather man said it is going to snow on Halloween, but I have the feeling that it is going to snow on Halloween. Some of you might think, "it can't snow on Monday, that is preposterous." Well, I have one thing to say to you. Welcome to Utah, where we have the finest powder on earth.

For some reason I am craving to go sledding. I don't really know why I want to go sledding, or whether or not it is going to snow. Sledding has its perks. I mean snowboarding, and skiing are fun, but sledding is also fun. At the moment I am kind of hoping that it will snow on Halloween. Just so that I can go sledding.

Thursday, October 27, 2011

End of the term

The end of the term. Just ponder that a moment. What emotion does the end of the term bring out? In my mind it's a sort of stressed out hectic week. Pretty much all of our assignments are due in that particular week. If we ever procrastinate doing our Term Projects then we are in deep trouble. We are going to be up all night long doing homework that last week of the term. Its sharp jaws tear through whatever they get to. That is my personification for Procrastination. Don't leave it off!

The Williamses all have to have their homework done right once they get home, or they'll get in trouble. This is a big problem in my book, because I like to go play with friends, or play with video games right after school. The Williamses' rules are really dumb in my mind. Curtis's rules are really dumb. He is the father of the Williamses in this weird little story that I have come up with. Anyway, I wish that my life went something like that so that I could be more prepared for the end of the term.

Man o man, this would be a cool, but kind of boring situation that would keep you from being stuck in your crazy week. Unfortunately for me it is the last week of the term, but luckily I have just about everything done. I think that I will have better grades than my brother, but I still want to see his grades. I also want to see my cousins grades. All of my family thinks that she is better than me, but we will see after I see her grades. The schools' teachers will sometimes just give out random grades and surprise you with a missing assignment, but I am pretty sure that I don't have any missing assignments. I am part of the NAL's group that is also good on scholarships, and I am taking a lot of honors classes, so I think this year will be great.

Anyhow. I hope that all the children's parents will be happy, especially my parents. This will most definitely be an interesting time, because now I am in 9th grade, and my grades count. I know that the men's faces are going to be pretty mad if they here that I got bad grades, especially my dad's face and my grandpa's face. Whatever happens I hope that I will happy, and not discouraged.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Temptation? Wow I don't even know where to begin on this one. Temptation can be anything. It could be the donut on the cupboard that is calling to you. It could be your friend at the door trying to get you to ditch your homework. It can also be your video games downstairs. Whatever form temptation is, I don't think it's good.

Why does your brain always go off subjects. It seems that whenever I am reading or something, I always get distracted. Normally I am just thinking about my friends, or donuts, or something that is more fun than I am doing at the moment. It is too bad that temptation is such a felon.

Trying to overcome temptation. I don't exactly know how we can escape that felon, but let's brainstorm.
  1. Read a more interesting book.
  2. Not have donuts on our cupboard, and in a hiding spot.
  3. Take brakes in between homework or whatever.
  4. Only play the video games 1 hour a day.
  5. Eat before we start doing homework.
I think that you should try some of these options, not that I am an expert. If you do some of these things, then you can possibly be less board, or not get hungry while you are reading. I know that I could sure use a lot less temptations, and maybe you are the same way.

Working is rarely fun, and I know that you will get tempted during these boring trials. We need to find a cool, and fun way to concur these mean felons though they are probably going to be more fun. They might be more fun, but in the long run we will be more happy. If we keep up with our homework than that will lead to a chain of events, that could eventually lead to a better job. So don't let those felons get you.


What is up with school? It seems to me as though our whole lives are filled with school. You go to school, come home and do homework, and repeat the process. Every single day your life is filled with school work. It is like the government is trying to turn us into robots. I believe that there should be a law that teachers can't give us homework on our vacation.

Teachers say that we have vacation, but do we really. Right now it is UEA weekend, and I have so much homework that it is coming out of my ears. "Read chapter 5, do this worksheet, and do these two tests online over your break", said my science teacher. What is up with that, I think that my teacher either doesn't like us, or he just doesn't like us, take your pick. "Have fun and enjoy your weekend," really, not going to happen.

Vacations are suppose to be fun, enjoying, and relaxing. Vacations need a big sign next to it that says "NO HOMEWORK!" I think that teachers need to be nicer, and think of others when they give out BIG GINORMOUS packets over the weekend. That is a joke.

Saturday, October 15, 2011


My cousins are like instant family to me. Lots of people that I hear about have few cousins, or have cousins that are a lot younger than them, or older than them. My cousins are closer to me than even my friends are. I hear a lot of people saying that they have a lot of cousins, and that they have like 27 or something. Well just to prove that cousins are so close to me, I will tell you that I have over 40 cousins. Me and my cousins are like best friends, we are family.

My family has many different types of people in it. These types of people could be from 4.0 students, to football players that go to the championship every year in their league, to people that take first in "future farmers association." That is one of the best things about my cousins, their diversity. It doesn't matter that all of them are different, I love them all.

My cousins that win the championship every year in their football leagues, include 2 of my cousins. One of them was adopted into the family, and is Samoan. He is only 11 years old, and weighs almost 200 pounds and plays linebacker. He is taller than me, and I am 14. My second cousin that is amazing at football also plays linebacker. Instead of being huge, and being able to plow people all over. He is just supper strong and fast. In the championship game of his, he got 9 sacks. That is amazing, no wonder why his team went to the championship.

Second off is all my cousins that get 4.0s every term. This group of people, including me, are super smart, and you don't want to mess with them. 2 of them are on the National Academic League at their schools and go to the championship every year. My cousins that get 4.0s are super amazing, and there are to many to count. Most of my cousins are probably all going to go to Harvard and Yale, and are going to become the new Einsteins. Go cousins.

As for my cousin on future farming association. He is one of the 4.0 students too, and is super smart. He got to go to Kansas City, just because he took 1st in horse judging. I am not sure how the "FFA" works, but I don't think that that is for me. Whatever they do, I wish my cousin good luck.

In conclusion, there is no one else on Earth that I would want to hang out with. My cousins are my life. They are my best friends, and they are family. My cousins are awesome.

Hello fall, goodbye summer.

Hello soggy leaves, goodbye wet towels
Hello colors, goodbye blue and green.
Hello rainy days, goodbye hot sun.
Hello mud, goodbye dirt.

Hello videogames, goodbye sports
Hello College football, goodbye baseball
Hello bothers in my house, goodbye friends
Hello soup, goodbye sandwiches.

Hello wracking leaves, goodbye mowing lawns
Hello jackets, goodbye tank tops.
Hello car rides to school, goodbye walking
Hello stinky leaves, goodbye warm smelling breeze

Hola otono, adios verano.

Saturday, October 8, 2011


I sure am glad that we are able to "Edit." I just had to edit for an assignment, and it got me thinking. What if we couldn't redo things in real life, like when we forgive people. What if no one would forgive us. In that case we would be in a heap of trouble.

From now on, I am going to forgive everyone, so that they can feel the joy of being able to edit. This might sound stupid to you, but what would you feel like if no one would forgive you? If you went around and everyone hated you and thought that you were stupid. In my opinion I think that that would really suck.

What if you couldn't edit your assignments? You would be dead, if you printed your assignment, and then realized that it had a tiny mistake.

In general, I am sure glad that we can edit things. I am really glad, that we can go around and be forgiven, and stuff. Have a great day, and help people edit.


Zombies can be scary, nice, or invincible. Some shows have scary zombies that make you want to pee your pants. Some shows have zombies that can be nice, like in Halloween cartoons, and some shows can have invincible zombies that just don't die. Whatever zombies are, they are very interesting.

In certain movies that I have seen, I have seen zombies that scare you to death, and make you want to pee your pants, like in "I am Legend." In that movie, the zombies can jump, and make really scary screaming noises like when they jump out from behind a corner. They have really pointy teeth and are a green and slimy monster. The characters are always trying to get away, but can't, no place/house is secure. Wow, Zombies are scary.

Zombies can be nice, like in Halloween cartoons. In those movies all the characters are monsters, and they are friendly. The zombie is always the one that is losing his stuff, and can never catch up to everyone. In a way he is kind of clueless, but is super kind, and in no way is he scary.

Invincible, how can one be invincible? I will tell you how. If you are dead, obviously you can be invincible, I mean how can you die, if you are already dead. The problem is, the characters in the movie can never escape from the zombies, because they are invincible. The zombies can't die, and when you knock their heads off, they just "screw" them back on. This invincibility makes the movie very scary, and makes you want to pee your pants. The only problem with wanting to pee your pants is you can't, because you already did. To bad we aren't invincible.

Zombies are many different things, but I guess that it depends on the show/ movie. Whatever you like to see in zombies, don't pee your pants. Personally when I think of Zombies, I think of scary monsters. Don't drop your bones, and I guess that I will see you next time.

Saturday, October 1, 2011


What do you do for fun? Some people like to play video games, some people like to watch movies, and some people even like to just watch TV. When I have fun, is when I am playing sports. I love playing basketball, baseball, football. Whenever I do these things it fills me with great joy.

What is it about playing sports that is fun? Do people just like the feeling of working hard? Do people just like getting fit? To tell you the truth, I have no clue what makes sports so fun. It's like it just gets your blood pumping fast, or triggers adrenaline, or something, but it is fun. I think that I just like catching that interception, or making that 3 pointer, or hitting that home run. Sports are fun.

You know I have never thought of this one. Maybe sports are fun, because we like working on a team. Maybe we like being a stronger team than any other team out there. A team is like a pie, and when one part of the pie is weak the whole pie is weak. I do know that I like doing my best, and when I do my best it makes the whole team better.

Well I don't care how you have fun, but however you like to have fun, just keep doing it. Whether you like to play in a group, as a family, or on a team, just keep doing it. Just keep having fun.

Thursday, September 29, 2011


I am probably the slowest test taker ever. What is it about tests that make me so slow? I don't honestly know what makes me a slow test taker. Maybe it is the fact that I don't read as fast as everyone else, maybe I think too hard and long on the questions not wanting to miss one, maybe the tests just intimidate me. All of these could be true, but I really need to find out.

In 7th grade during Utah Studies class, I was the last one done. Some people finished the test within a half an hour of the class, but I didn't even finish it that class period because I was so slow. I hated that feeling, because we were going to play a game right after that test. Since I never finished people all hated me, because they didn't get to play the game. I think that is about time that I learn to become a faster test taker, but still be a good one.

I need people to give me tips that will help me to become a better test taker. Obviously you don't have the same brain as me, but it still would help if you guys gave me tips. In my opinion, I think that I think too long and hard, not wanting to get one wrong. Is that a bad thing or a good thing? Would you rather be a slow test taker that gets good scores? Or would you rather be a fast test taker that doesn't get as good of scores? I need help deciding, so anybody who reads this, give me tips!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

How to "Decorate" a car.

Yesterday was my cousins wedding. It was so much fun, but the whole night I was just waiting to "decorate" her car. It is so much fun to decorate cars on peoples weddings. Here are the 10 basic steps to "decorating" cars.

  1. Write stuff on the windows such as "Just married" with window markers.
  2. Duck tape the hubcaps a certain color so it will reflect light all the way home.
  3. Pull Oreos apart and stick the Oreos to the windows using the white cream.
  4. Spray the whole car with chocolate syrup.
  5. Throw powder sugar all over the car. (It will stick to the chocolate syrup.)
  6. Put Twinkies on the antenna.
  7. Tie Mountain Dew Cans to the back of the car.
  8. Get Fruit by the Foots and throw them over the car like Christmas lights.
  9. Spray the whole car with whipping creme.
  10. Wrap the whole car in plastic wrap so they can't get into the car. (This might take a couple of boxes.)
"Decorating" cars is so much fun. The main idea is to just be creative. This list is just what me and my cousins did to my cousins car, but all that you have to do is be creative. On my uncles wedding they took off his wheels and put it on cinder blocks so he couldn't drive away, luckily for him he had another car close by so he could leave. Whatever you do it needs to be hilarious and make that person speechless. Have fun and "decorate" it good because you don't get to decorate other peoples cars very often. Have fun and get "decorating".

Friday, September 23, 2011


Basketball is a wonderful sport. Why don't we have a class (besides gym) on basketball. Basketball contains just about everything except "kicking." Basketball is a wonderful sport.

The objective of basketball is to stop the other team from getting the round, orange ball into the hoop. In the meantime you are trying to get the ball in their hoop. When you have the ball you can only move if you "dribble" the ball or else it is "traveling." When trying to get the ball in the other hoop you can "shoot," "dunk," or even "pass" to another teammate so that they can "dunk" or "shoot" the ball. This requires a great amount of skill which is necessary to win the game.

A basketball season consists of anywhere between 15 games to who knows how many, based on different leagues. After the "regular season" there is the playoffs. The playoffs consist of 7 games best out of 4. Once you win that "7 game series" you move on to the next series, and the next, until finally ending up at the Championship game. Whoever wins the Championship game is considered the best in the league.

As you can see, Basketball is the best and will continue to be the best sport in the world. I play basketball because it is fun and because of the fact that it is the best game in the world. I am a Utah Jazz fan and we have the loudest stadium in America. I am a Jazz fan!!!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Homework on the weekend!

Homework on the weekend, what is up with that. If you add it up, I have more homework over the week end, than I did during the whole week. I almost wonder if our school teachers had a meeting about giving us as mush homework to as they can. Why would they do this, I thought teachers were for "world peace!"
I have
  1. Three pages of Math (double sided.)
  2. A whole science packet (which is 20 pages thick!)
  3. I have to read 30 pages in my book, and I am a slow reader.
  4. 15 minutes of band practice (I hate band.)
  5. And don't forget that I have to watch the BYU vs. Utah Utes football game!
This weekend is going to be a busy one, I'm not going to lie. All that I am excited for is my cousins coming tomorrow, and watching the BYU vs. Utah Utes football game! I sure do hope that next week will be a lot easier, but my teachers probably have something else planned, UNFORTUNATELY.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

University of Utah/ BYU football game!

Today one of the school counselors came into my 5th period class today to talk about our futures, which got me thinking about college. I listened to her talk about the A.C.T. test and about college options when suddenly I thought of the U of U/ BYU football game. I was thinking about who I thought was going to win (when I really should have been listening to the counselor) and who I was going to cheer for.

When I was in Elementary School, I cheered for the University of Utah. 7th grade I cheered for BYU and 8th grade I cheered for U of U. During 5th period I decided that I was going to choose once and for all what team I was going to cheer for. I thought through this long and hard going over everything that I could think of and why BYU would be better or why U of U would be better.

First I thought of reasons why I would want to cheer for BYU. It took me a while to come up with all of them. These are the things I came up with:
  • They have the same values as me
  • They are a really good football team
  • And my family cheers for BYU.
I wasn't done though, I still had to think of characteristics to cheer for U of U.

The first things that I thought of about the U of U was:
  • My best friends are "U" fans
  • I have enjoyed cheering for them in past years.
  • Lot's of my friends are season ticket holders too, so I could probably go with them to a game some time.
  • It wouldn't be right if I went to a "U" game with my friend(s) when deep down I was BYU fan.

Well, I thought about both of these options when I found my answer. I still like BYU and U of U, but I decided that I liked cheering for Utah State Aggies. The Aggies are amazing in every way. They have one of the most wild fan groups in America and my family likes them too. Both of my parents graduated from Utah State University.  We already have an Aggie banner and we have the Aggie license plates on our cars.  Also they have some really good ice cream too.

Utah State, Hey!
Aggies all the way!
Go Aggies! Go Aggies!
Hey! Hey! Hey!