Friday, September 16, 2011

Homework on the weekend!

Homework on the weekend, what is up with that. If you add it up, I have more homework over the week end, than I did during the whole week. I almost wonder if our school teachers had a meeting about giving us as mush homework to as they can. Why would they do this, I thought teachers were for "world peace!"
I have
  1. Three pages of Math (double sided.)
  2. A whole science packet (which is 20 pages thick!)
  3. I have to read 30 pages in my book, and I am a slow reader.
  4. 15 minutes of band practice (I hate band.)
  5. And don't forget that I have to watch the BYU vs. Utah Utes football game!
This weekend is going to be a busy one, I'm not going to lie. All that I am excited for is my cousins coming tomorrow, and watching the BYU vs. Utah Utes football game! I sure do hope that next week will be a lot easier, but my teachers probably have something else planned, UNFORTUNATELY.

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