Saturday, October 8, 2011


Zombies can be scary, nice, or invincible. Some shows have scary zombies that make you want to pee your pants. Some shows have zombies that can be nice, like in Halloween cartoons, and some shows can have invincible zombies that just don't die. Whatever zombies are, they are very interesting.

In certain movies that I have seen, I have seen zombies that scare you to death, and make you want to pee your pants, like in "I am Legend." In that movie, the zombies can jump, and make really scary screaming noises like when they jump out from behind a corner. They have really pointy teeth and are a green and slimy monster. The characters are always trying to get away, but can't, no place/house is secure. Wow, Zombies are scary.

Zombies can be nice, like in Halloween cartoons. In those movies all the characters are monsters, and they are friendly. The zombie is always the one that is losing his stuff, and can never catch up to everyone. In a way he is kind of clueless, but is super kind, and in no way is he scary.

Invincible, how can one be invincible? I will tell you how. If you are dead, obviously you can be invincible, I mean how can you die, if you are already dead. The problem is, the characters in the movie can never escape from the zombies, because they are invincible. The zombies can't die, and when you knock their heads off, they just "screw" them back on. This invincibility makes the movie very scary, and makes you want to pee your pants. The only problem with wanting to pee your pants is you can't, because you already did. To bad we aren't invincible.

Zombies are many different things, but I guess that it depends on the show/ movie. Whatever you like to see in zombies, don't pee your pants. Personally when I think of Zombies, I think of scary monsters. Don't drop your bones, and I guess that I will see you next time.

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