Saturday, October 22, 2011


What is up with school? It seems to me as though our whole lives are filled with school. You go to school, come home and do homework, and repeat the process. Every single day your life is filled with school work. It is like the government is trying to turn us into robots. I believe that there should be a law that teachers can't give us homework on our vacation.

Teachers say that we have vacation, but do we really. Right now it is UEA weekend, and I have so much homework that it is coming out of my ears. "Read chapter 5, do this worksheet, and do these two tests online over your break", said my science teacher. What is up with that, I think that my teacher either doesn't like us, or he just doesn't like us, take your pick. "Have fun and enjoy your weekend," really, not going to happen.

Vacations are suppose to be fun, enjoying, and relaxing. Vacations need a big sign next to it that says "NO HOMEWORK!" I think that teachers need to be nicer, and think of others when they give out BIG GINORMOUS packets over the weekend. That is a joke.

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