Thursday, September 29, 2011


I am probably the slowest test taker ever. What is it about tests that make me so slow? I don't honestly know what makes me a slow test taker. Maybe it is the fact that I don't read as fast as everyone else, maybe I think too hard and long on the questions not wanting to miss one, maybe the tests just intimidate me. All of these could be true, but I really need to find out.

In 7th grade during Utah Studies class, I was the last one done. Some people finished the test within a half an hour of the class, but I didn't even finish it that class period because I was so slow. I hated that feeling, because we were going to play a game right after that test. Since I never finished people all hated me, because they didn't get to play the game. I think that is about time that I learn to become a faster test taker, but still be a good one.

I need people to give me tips that will help me to become a better test taker. Obviously you don't have the same brain as me, but it still would help if you guys gave me tips. In my opinion, I think that I think too long and hard, not wanting to get one wrong. Is that a bad thing or a good thing? Would you rather be a slow test taker that gets good scores? Or would you rather be a fast test taker that doesn't get as good of scores? I need help deciding, so anybody who reads this, give me tips!

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