Wednesday, November 16, 2011

The world that it seems in my eyes.

It seems like the same people walk to school, drive to school, or ride the bus to school. What would happen if everything was mixed up? Well, I will tell you. I don't know. You always have the same people doing the same things. There are those people who are always sitting in the same place, there are always those that are always running to classes, and there are always those that are covering their lunch tray like they are hiding something.

Until yesterday my school was really boring, and not interesting. Yesterday, the farmer across the street shot his cow and gutted it. You may be wondering, how does this make your school any less boring? Well, pretty much the whole school saw it happen. It was weird. All that you heard was a gun shot, Then, you would walk over to the window to see what was going on, when you see a guy in overalls gutting a cow. This conversation is kind of weird, because right now there is a big, 1 pound, bloody hamburger right next to me. It's kind of haunting. Kind of like war of the worlds. That movie scared the crap out of me. The whole time I jumped even when I knew that something was probably going to jump out. I had nightmares for weeks. Well anyway, that is how I see things.

The next item of business is lunch ladies. They are always trying to stop you from cutting in line when they are the only ones that even care if we butt in line. Not only that, but there is one lunch lady at my school that makes you stand single file. Personally I don't think that she has anything better to do, but she is still kind of a Nazi. The next order of business happens to do with the lunch room also. They are now putting the silverware on the opposite side of the cafeteria. This makes it so that once you get your food, you have to walk all the way across the lunch room just to get silverware. They used to have it just right at the end of the lunch line. This seems to create havoc, because now all the kids that have homelunch stop by there on their way in, and grab a whole bunch of silverware for the table that they are sitting at. This seems to be a mess, because the lunch ladies don't like it when we do that. Technically there isn't a rule against it, but as I said before. The lunch ladies are natzies.

So all, and all. This is the world as it seems in my eyes wrapped up in a nutshell. However your day goes by, there is always something that sticks out, such as the girls volley ball team actually winning a game, or if the color guard actually catches their flags. These are great examples of things that stick out.

P.S. When you are cutting in line, don't make any sudden movements.

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