Saturday, December 10, 2011


December brings many things with it. When you think of December you think of skiing, sledding, and snowboarding. This all fits the title of December, but the biggest thing that fits December is Christmas. Christmas brings many different, but fun experiences. After Thanksgiving I think that it's our cue to listen to Christmas music. Christmas is just one of the many things that you think about when you think about December. It's such a big one that when you think about Christmas you think about skiing, sledding, and snowboarding. You also think about snow, snowmen, and snowflakes. Christmas is wonderful. December is wonderful.

I'm looking out window right now wondering where our snow is. Right now it's so bright outside that it's depressing. If it were June, July, or even August I would be alright with sun, but having a super bright sun in December well that's depressing. Where is our white Christmas? Where is the snow that's supposed to bury our houses so that we don't have to go to school? Where is all that joy? I'll tell you straight up..... I don't know. Right now I am tempted to leave my spot, and go play some basketball with my friend, but I have so much homework that it is coming out of my ears. I'll tell you one thing that I don't think of when I think of December, and that's homework, but somehow homework ends up in my schedule even during Christmas break. I can't figure it out for the life of me. Where's the real December?

Currently at this moment I am thinking about skiing. I just bought some new skis, and I want to get out and use them. There's only one problem though and that is the fact that I don't have ski boots. I've been looking for some that are nice, but not super expensive. I found some on under classifieds, but my parents kept procrastinating to help me call that person up so that we could go get them. I later found out that they were bought up this Wednesday, and now the hunt continues. This is a mess.

Now that you know what I think about when I think about December. It's time for me to let you go. You may personally not think of those things when you think of December, but I do. You may think of Santa Clause, Christmas songs, and baking, but for all I care this is what I think about.

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