Saturday, November 26, 2011


From past experiences of Thanksgiving it seems that I ate, and ate until I was full. This year I didn't even try to eat until I was full, because this year we were assigned seats. I was forced to sit down stairs at this wobbly table with my cousins, who usually have the maturity level of a three year old, and with dirty silverware. My grandma didn't even send down any of the good food, and by the time that I ate what I did eat. I wasn't feeling all that good. The day after Thanksgiving, I was sick.

I think that it is safe to say that this was the worst Thanksgiving on the planet earth. The next morning I went to Cabella's, for Black Friday. I was super excited to go, but on the way I got a migraine. This was the start of food poisoning. My uncle, and cousins who I went with, are super big hunters. This meant that we were going to be there a while. My migraine hurt so bad that I couldn't even think of how you say migraine, so that I could tell them that I had a migraine. My right arm was completely asleep, and I was probably walking around Cabella's with red circles around my eyes. This was the worst experience of my life.

Thanks a lot grandma. I blame your dirty spoons, and those nasty tasting Froot Loops. I had Froot Loops for breakfast Friday morning before we went to Cabella's. They tasted really bad, but I kept eating them. I first got the feeling that it was the Froot Loops that made me sick, because my puke looked like straight Mountain Dew. It was gross. Now that I felt super terrible, I only had to deal with that for just about 2 more hours before I would ever get home.

All of these events consisted of my Thanksgiving, which sucked. Hopefully next year is better, because I don't want to have to go through that ever again. Next year we're going to my other grandparents, who don't give you dirty silverware, and who doesn't have 5 year old Froot Loops. Froot Loops are never going to be eaten my me again. This all might sound pretty selfish to you, but I hope that your Thanksgiving break was better than mine was.

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