Sunday, December 4, 2011

Crazy weather

This week is filled with crazy stuff. The wind was blowing 95 miles an hour, and now all the trees are knocked over. Kaysville is practically treeless by now, and the golf course lost over 100 trees. The only good thing about this week is that we didn't have school on Thursday or Friday, but that just meant that I had to go outside to help pick up a bunch of trees. In my neighborhood alone there was over 40 different trees knocked over. This is madness.

"There's a book flying down the road", says a kid who wants to leave. The only problem is that the principal doesn't want to have to make it up during the summer, so he wasn't going to cancel school. Generally, I go to school without any problems, but today was an exception. As you drive down the road your car gets hit by many and many different shingles. Hoping to come away scar less, I ran inside the school to safety. The school, usually lit up, was dark when I walked in. The teachers, usually in their classrooms, where in the halls telling us to get to the gym. The teachers told us to get to the gym with a reading book, a coat, and our selves. When we looked out the windows we saw flying shingles, books, and wood planks.

Now that you know how crazy it was at our school it's time for me to tell you that when I got home I saw so many knocked down fences, knocked down trees, and knocked off shingles. It was madness. There was a tree that fell down on a boat, a car, and a house. It was a big tree, and it took down a lot of stuff, but yet it didn't hurt anyone. "Let's crack out the chainsaws", said my neighbor, "so we can get down and dirty." It sure needed to happen to because we had a lot of downed trees. That was how crazy this weekend was.

Now that it is Sunday, they're telling us that we're going to have high winds tonight. I'm cool with high winds, but I just hope that they cancel school. Well I'm going to let you go because I'm really hungry, and I want to eat something. Goodbye and goodnight.

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