Sunday, April 29, 2012

Typical Sunday Dinners

Maybe it's just my family, but it seems like we receive a bigger meal for Sunday than normal days. Maybe it's just the fact that my mom doesn't work on Sunday, so she has more time to make a better meal. Tonight we are having a roast, with mashed potatoes, and don't forget the corn. Typical Sunday Dinners include Potatoes of some sort, and some sort of meat, whether chicken, cow, or turkey, a vegetable of some sort, and rolls of course, cause who doesn't love nice warm rolls with some nice jam. Maybe a big Sunday dinner is just a Mormon thing, but I like having a big dinner on Sundays. Pot roasts are the best! Who doesn't like cow cooked in gravy. "It's not like I think about eating a cow, but once it gets cut up, fried on a grill, I start to get hungry," says Jim Gaffigan. In this case I guess it'd be cut up, and put in gravy. Wow how did I miss the most important part of the meal, Jell-O. Jell-O is the best thing ever. I love the red deliciousness that comes in a box. Who doesn't? That's typical Sunday dinners for you.


Lately I've been really into music. I've been listening to music for every assignment/activity I do. I'm currently listening to music. In my class we were discussing technology, and that it might end up with a cloud that we get our music from instead of actually having a hard copy of music, or music downloaded on i pods/ mp3 players. It's kind of hard to imagine a cloud that's always there streaming in music that you can choose whatever song you want. Music is a big part of my life. Currently I play the trumpet, a little piano, and I sing a little too. In band we have been playing some pretty cool songs, and I'm starting to get really good at playing the trumpet. I've learned a lot about different things that deal with music, and I'm actually going to go to the Rose Bowl Parade which is on New Year's day. That will be a blast. I will get to hang out with all of my friends, and I'm so excited. I like a lot of music, actually I like any type of music except country, whatever Justin Bieber, and all of that stupid sappy stuff that my grandma listens to. I'd consider myself normal because I haven't found another person that likes the same music as my grandma. Just yesterday I was listening to my i pod while I mowed my lawn, mowed my neighbor's lawn, and weeded my garden. Music is very important, and I don't know that I could live without it.

Saturday, April 28, 2012


Movies are things that people are willing to spend a lot of money on. There have been a few movies lately that people spend a lot of money on. Hunger Games, Mission Impossible Ghost protocol, and everybody knows that lots of people are going to spend money to watch The Avengers. We are paying to go see an actor's success, and the only reason why they are having success is because of us. Personally I'm not a person that likes to go see a movie at the movies, but I just like to rent it at Red Box for a dollar when it comes out. People are always complaining about the economy, so I don't understand why people are always going to the movies blowing money on something they don't need to. That is what I think about the movies. It doesn't make sense.

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Lately I've been spending a lot of time with my track team. We took second place at our last track meet, and did pretty well if you ask me, but personally I didn't do so great. I ran the mile in six minutes and thirty three seconds, and I ran the eight hundred in two minute and fifty seven seconds. Those are all right times, I guess, but I've done a lot better in my life, and I want to get two minutes and thirty seconds next time for the eight hundred, and six minutes for the mile. I know those aren't the best times ever, but I'm not very good at running either. I'm not very fast, and I can't sprint very fast, but I have endurance. I can run four miles without any problems, and I wouldn't say that when I run those miles I run them super slow like walking pace either, but I'd say that I run probably about as well as most people can run it. Running is my favorite thing to do. I love running distance, and next year I really want to be on Davis High's Cross Country team, so I can run a lot. I heard that Davis High's Cross Country team runs a mile for their warm up jog. The longest race that there is at a track meet is a mile. Our conditioning runs are about three and a half to four miles, and I love the conditioning runs. Distance is a lot better than sprints.

Saturday, April 21, 2012


It's already springtime again, and my mom has already sent me out to weed the garden. It didn't take that long, and I just listened to music the whole time, but it worries me that it's becoming time for mowing the lawn, which I heard rumor that I'm going to go do later in the day. It's not so bad unless you have to do it at the hottest time in the day, and then it just flat out sucks. It's also not as bad if I go out with my grandpa to do it because he pays me 20 bucks for mowing my own lawn. I guess there aren't always just bad things that come with spring, but now we can go swimming, do sports, and my favorite go mountain biking. All of these are some of the things that I look forward to when I think of spring and summer, but summer is a whole new topic for some other time. Who doesn't love swimming, sports, and mountain biking. There's just something about going to Adam's Canyon and hiking up to the waterfall and then going swimming in the end part. That has spring and summer written all over it. I also love mountain biking the shoreline trail, and always trying to get up that super hard hill at the very beginning. I am very excited for all the fun activities that you can do during the spring and summer, including, in the summer, not having to go to school. That will be a bomb diggity.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Do things make a difference?

I've been wondering lately if things actually make a difference. I've been wondering this because I've seen all this stuff lately that supposedly makes a difference. For instance shoes, cleats, and Nike/ Under Armor stuff. You've probably seen on TV a billion and one times advertisements for the next best running shoe, or next best Under Armor, and stuff like that, and I'm wondering if it actually makes a difference. Right now I've got this pair of terrible running shoes, that I hate, and I'm wondering if I got a new pair if it would actually make a difference. On the commercials we see this buff guy or girl running, sweating, and showing everyone else how it's done, supposedly all because they are using that certain product. During those commercials all I can help think is, "of course they're winning they're in shape," I want to see somebody use that shoe, or shirt, and show everybody up when they are some fat, out of shape guy/girl. Then I will be convinced.

My life is controlled by......Not Me

Things now a days have been getting super stupid. I don't get to choose very many things in my life, and those that I do get to choose don't make much of a difference to me. I was eating dinner just barely, and my dad told me that I couldn't take another bite before I finish my homework. So here I am typing to you about my miserableness while I'm starving in my basement wanting to shoot my dad right now. He's controlling my life. Today he wouldn't even let me comb my own hair because he didn't want to see me all day with a hair due that he didn't approve of. When I go school shopping my dad picks out my clothes, shoes, and personality overall. He either wants me to be the nerdiest kid in school, or the... well whatever that man thinks inside his brain I'm not sure, but I don't want to find out. It's sometimes just the little things that make me really mad when I can't choose them. For instance, I hate it when my dad tells me how full to fill my glass with ice, how to comb my hair, and when or what order I have to do my homework. Just the other day I got grounded from mutual because I had 30 minutes of homework left when it was time to go, and I hadn't done it earlier in the day, but really it wasn't my fault because I had track until five o'clock, and that only left me with two hours, and like most teens I don't like cracking open the books right as I get home. My dad's so crazy that if an assignment's due in 2 days, which happens all the time since I'm on A/B schedule, then I have to do it the night that I get it. Really my dad's just a hypocrite because I guarantee that my dad didn't do his homework the night he got it. Actually I'm pretty sure my dad didn't do his homework at all. My dad's not the only person that controls my life, but I'm just telling you scenarios about him because I'm ticked off at him for not letting me finish my dinner. My life is also controlled by my principal, teachers, and those annoying lunch ladies at school. Oh well, I guess.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Disappointed at the last second.

Life is full of disappointment sometimes, and it's no fun. You get all hyped up, and pumped up, and then you fall down and get pounded at the last second. Right now I am really pumped to hike Angels Landing, and have a fun time doing it, but my cousin just told me that he can't come do it with me, so now all of my hope is resting on my uncle, but unfortunately he'll probably say no like everyone else. Just a few minutes ago I was watching the Jazz game, and just like a few nights ago, they were robbed at the last second. Tonight it was even closer. The ball was tipped up and in, but was probably a tenth of a second off, and the other night it was probably a half of a second off. The ball went in both times, but when it came down to it, the clock went out. Life can be full of disappointment, but it's sometimes funny when you feel like you're going to not get your way, you actually do. An example of that was a couple weeks ago when I asked my cousin if he wanted to go skiing, and to my astonishment he said yes, and we actually went. We had a really fun time, and I wish that I could relive that moment again, but tomorrow when I go to Zions, and I don't think I'm going to get my way, I'm probably not going to get to relive a fun moment. It's funny, or not so funny, how people drop out, quit, and say adios, at the last moment or second. I understand that some people have important things come up in their life, but it's stupid when people don't do something with you, after they've said they would, just because they don't want to last moment. I probably end up doing that to some people too, so I'll make a deal to whomever is listening, I won't disappoint if you don't disappoint. Disappointment at the last second is a real bummer.

Wish I were there.

Sometimes I wish that my family was richer. I hear all my friends telling me about their cruises that they went on, and their vacations, and everything else. It makes me kind of sad when I hear about all of my friends that are going on a trip together, and I get a sick feeling inside when I feel left out. I look on Facebook, and see that all of my friends are in Vegas, St. George, or Florida. I feel left out. I blame my dad for my poorness because he's bought on just about every CD, book, and DVD/ blue ray that there is to own. I'm pretty sure that if we sold all of our CDs, books, and blue rays, and then my family would be millionaires. I wish I were a millionaire, then I would be able to go on all of these trips with my friends. I hear about all of these funny stories that happened to my friends, and I wish I could be a part of those stories, of course I would probably be the person that made the story funny since I'm such a goofball, but that would only happen if I had more money. Oh well.