Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Things are built differently.

Things are built a lot differently than they used to be. I went on a winter camp out last weekend, and my toes froze off. I don't own my own boots so I just had to use my dad's boots, and they were super cold. The part of the boot were your toes go was made out of rubber, and that rubber had a hole in it. Rubbers waterproof and all, but it is a lot better if you have some insulation to keep your toes warm. I'm pretty sure that I would have been less cold if I would have just worn my tennis shoes because those boots suck. They were made in like the 80's so that might explain why. Next time I go on a camp out I am definitely going to get my own boots. I was really warm except for my toes. That makes sense because my other gear is more up to date, and doesn't have holes in it. My dad's boots don't have any traction either because I was slipping all over the place. Things are definitely made differently.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Why is it that some people don't think?

The sole purpose why I am writing this is because I am fed up with those who just plainly don't think. I am sick of those bozos that really make me ticked off. Just about every week my family gets called by this kid in our ward asking if we will take him up to the church for mutual, and every single time we do. The problem that I have though is that all of his brothers and sisters are up there. It's like he doesn't think because his sister drives up there, but he never goes with her. He just doesn't think. He is super nice and super peaceful and I don't want to hurt his feelings, but man sometimes I just want to tell him to get a ride with his sister. The next problem that I have is when people cut you off while you're driving. All that I ever think is, come on mane what is up with that.

One thing that I find is really hard to do is think fast. Today for gym class we played volleyball, and man I stink at that because whenever I go to bump the ball I get my hands together, but never the right way. That can be something that's hard to do, but it's not like your not thinking, you're just not thinking as fast as you're supposed to do. It's kind of like those moments when you're playing basketball, and the ball hits the rim, bounces straight down at your face, and then you get a bloody nose. Those moments make you look really stupid, and they really hurt. Sometimes when that happens all your thinking is, what was I thinking. Those moments are the worst.

I also hate it when your teacher doesn't know what he's talking about. A few days ago my science teacher thought that 3 times 3 was 8, and let me tell you it's not. Those moments are the moments when you ask yourself if your teacher is a legitimate teacher, or if he's just a phony who got his license off the back of a serial box; 3rd graders know that 3 times 3 is not eight, so if my teacher doesn't then I'm getting worried. Some people just don't think.

The last and final thing that I don't understand is why people are always forgetting things. Man it makes me super mad when somebody forgets their part of the project the day that it's due. It also kind of annoys me that we get graded off of those dumb peoples work because it's not our faults that they're so forgetful. It also makes me angry when you get paired up with somebody that could care less about what score he gets on the project. When that happens you are left all by yourself doing the project, but that's kind of beside the point because I was talking about forgetting. Man I am really angry when those losers never do their part because they forgot to bring it. Forgetting sucks.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Video games

Video games can be a big distraction to me. As fun as video games are they can be a big distraction. Whenever I am doing homework I always get that urge that I "need" to go play some video games. I know, I know, you're just thinking that I'm a video game addict, but it's true I would rather play video games than do homework. I would way rather play FIFA 12 or Modern Warfare 3 or any video game for that matter. This world is starting to become a messed up place. Video games are a huge distraction to me and many others out there I think. Maybe not, maybe I'm the only one that's messed up like that, but I'm thinking that there's more out there than just me. Maybe if I just keep in mind that the faster that I get my homework done the faster that I will be able to play video games then maybe I will not have a problem with video games.

Rain is super boring.

Rain is super boring compared to any other type of weather. Raining is so boring all that you can ever do is stay inside. It's not like snowing, hailing, or anything. In the snow you can go skiing, sledding, and snowboarding while in the rain you can only go play some boardgames, indoors. Board games can be fun for a little bit, but after like 30 minutes it's super boring just to think that you have to go again. That is why rain is the worst type of weather. I mean in the summer you can do a ton of stuff. You can play just about every sport on the planet earth including swimming, baseball, basketball, football, soccer, and all the stuff that you can do in the rain. Soccer is one exception to the rain. If you've ever played soccer in the rain it's a blast. Soccer is one of the funnest sports on the planet earth to play in the rain, but that's the only thing that you can ever do in the rain. Even when it's hailing you can have more fun than when it's raining. Personally I think it's a lot funner to get hit by hail than it is to get hit by rain. Rain destroys things too. If it rains a ton then you start to get flooding problems, and everything gets wet. It can be one heck of a mess to clean up sometimes. That is why I like the other types of weather a lot more. So as long as I'm inside, let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

The best food is always the seasonal food!

The best food is always the seasonal food! I say this because I'm eating Cherry JuJu Hearts, and these hearts wouldn't be very good if you could have them all year long. I think that it's the fact that we can't have them all year long that makes us want to buy them when they come back in stock. Another example is Eggnog. In my mind Eggnog is delicious, but I sort of get bored of it after a while. That is why the companies do that. They make you buy all their candy when it comes out. This is definitely a good way to make people buy your stuff. The next example that I have is Cadbury. This company makes billions of dollars during Easter because they sell a ton of candy during Easter. This is another one of those companies that wouldn't make much money if they sold that type of candy year round. Now that we see eye to eye, you and I can make the conclusion that the best food is always the seasonal food!

Saturday, January 14, 2012


Here in a few weeks I am going camping. This isn't just any camping, it's Klondike camping. My scout troop and I are going to go snow caving up in the mountains, and it's going to be awesome. There's only one problem though, and that's the fact that even the mountains don't have very much snow. For a snow cave it is preferable that we have at least 4-5 feet of snow, and right now the mountains only have about a foot of snow. As you can see this is going to create a problem because we need a lot more snow than that. There's not much that I can do except for maybe hope and pray that snow comes. No matter how much snow we have I'm really excited to go on this trip. I've got just about everything that I need, and I'm going to do just about every trick in the book to stay warm at night. One of the things that really keeps you warm at night is Hand Warmers. If you stick hand warmers in your sleeping bag at night then you will feel a lot of heat being generated from that alone. The next thing that I always do is bring a rice bag. Rice bags, kind of like hand warmers, but bigger, keep you warm. All that you need to do is set your rice bag by the fire at night for a couple of minutes until it is hot to the tough, and then go and stick it in your sleeping bag about 20 minutes before you go to bed. I would also drink hot chocolate before you go to bed. I wouldn't drink it right before you go to bed, but probably more like an hour before you go to bed so that way you aren't up all night long. I am going to be using all of these tips and tricks just so that I can stay warm, but sleep well also. I know that I will need just about every tip and trick on earth just to stay warm because I am as skinny as can be, and I know that I will freeze super-fast in this crazy weather. Right now I'm getting really excited for these snow caves because I want to build a super awesome one. My scout leader has told us about all the times that he has gone snow caving, so I'm not scared at all. He knows how to build the best snow caves on the planet Earth. He told us about one snow cave where it had a middle part that was the troop get to gather place, and then it had tunnels leading to all the other places where people slept. This sounds so cool because I love engineering. Now I'm really getting excited. All of this can happen if it just snows a lot between now and a couple weeks from now. Wish me luck everybody because I can't wait much longer.

Friday, January 6, 2012

Bucket list, but not the official bucket list.

So far I have always wanted to do a lot of things, but only certain things made it onto my bucket list.
P.S. The line right next to the thing is a spot for me to check it off.

Bucket List:

Go on a cruise in the Caribbean__

Go sky diving__

Be in an air force jet__

Shoot an M16__

Go to Hawaii__

Be in a police chase seen (without being chased)__

Invent my own vehicle/motorbike/thingy ma doodle__

Wrestle a sumo__

Catch a swordfish (preferably without getting stabbed)__

Catch a shark__

Swim with a shark__

Get to space__

Graduate from Stanford__

Become a lawyer__

Have a badge (like a police badge)__

Have the credentials to see classified information__

And finally last but not least get married in a temple__

Now I do realize that some of these things I might not be able to do, and some of them will kill me if I try to do. Anyhow I'm going to do all of them, or die trying to do all of them. Personally I think that they are all achievable especially since I am so smart and athletic, but anyhow wish me luck.

Official New Year's resolutions

Normally I don't have resolutions. I just show up to things and get told what I'm about to do, but this year I made a few New Year's resolutions. All of these resolutions are for my benefit because I deserve it. These will make my life slightly more difficult, but less stressed. First I will tell you my plan, and then I will explain why, how, and where that resolution all came about.

The first resolution that I have is to procrastinate less. Lately I've been procrastinating too much. When I say this I'm thinking of homework. I've been putting my homework off to the last minute every single time, and I've got to stop it because it's dropping my grades, and it's stressing me out. To top it all off I've been super tired because I've been staying up all night long. This was definitely a big problem that needed to stop. To conquer this goal I'm going to start a little bit at a time. I've already been less stressed out, and I can tell it's made a big difference.

The next resolution that I had was to space my time out more accordingly. This resolution corresponds with the other one a little bit. This was the resolution that I made so that I'm not up till mid night. Most of the time when this happens it's because of video games that I play for two hours while I should be doing homework. From now on I'm going to do my homework first and then if I have time I will do whatever I want.

This is going to be the best year ever if I follow all of these rules because there is one part that I left out, and that's the fact that I get in trouble if I don't do my homework. Now that my parents won't be yelling at me I won't be angry, and I won't be stressed out.

Sunday, January 1, 2012


Soon I am going to be driving. Really soon actually, and I've been thinking about things. As I've been reading up on the drivers handbook I've noticed a lot of things such as how people drive. Frankly I think that a lot of people now a days need to retake the driving test, or at least act like they know what they are doing. Even my dad sometimes drives like a maniac, and if you tell him to watch out for a car he just yells at you, and tells you that he was watchin' out. Well, as I've been reading the handbook I've been thinking about how I'm going to drive. I'm starting to wonder if I'm going to be one of those crazy drivers, or one of those drivers that is just a little bit to cautious, and yes that is an understatement. Some things in the handbook are just common sense, and some of it is completely stupid, if you will, like the fact that you can't drive with a passenger in your car until you've had your licence for six months. All of these things can be pretty weird sometimes, and I'm starting to wonder if those overly cautious people wrote this handbook primarily for there safety. I'm also starting to wonder who wrote this stuff because a lot of people don't even stick to it, including those who wrote it I think. Well, anyway those are just my thoughts on driving now a days, and to tell you the truth I hope that I'll be in between those two driving types because I don't want to be crazy, and I don't want to be to cautious.