Tuesday, February 28, 2012


My cousins are my best friends on the planet earth. We are super tight. We do just about everything together, and support each other in everything. My cousin took second place in state wrestling, and he would have taken first, but the other kid dropped him on his head so he hurt his neck, and his neck was hurting him the rest of the time. My other cousin has won his football championship 3 times now because he is super buff and awesome. I absolutely love all of my cousins. I love that we can all stand out in the cold outside of Target the night before Black Friday, and still stay super chill with each other. I love that we all have our many talents that we can use for each other, and against each other in competitions. I am definitely super happy for them coming down this week because we might go night skiing Saturday night. That would be super awesome even if we went to a smaller ski resort, just so long as we go together. My cousins and I are the tightest bunch on the planet earth, and I love them.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


Every year, right about this time, my grandma tells my family that we are going to go on a trip or vacation. Every year I get super excited, and every year we end up not going. Last year for instance we were supposed to go to Disney Land, but that never happened. This year my grandma wanted to go to Disney Land with us, but now we aren't, and if we end up going on a trip at all it will probably be to Mt. Rushmore. I honestly don't even want to go to Mt. Rushmore because I heard that it is a huge let down. I heard that it is way up on the mountain, and you can barely see it. My grandma just wants to go there because my grandpa has never been there, and she wants him to see it. I could care less about Mt. Rushmore, and I just want to go to Disney Land. We are only not going to Disney Land now because apparently my grandpa is refusing to go because he's been there and was super bored (probably because he wasn't willing to go on any of the cool rides). I've been disappointed every year about this time, but I guess I'm not as disappointed because I get to march in the Rose Bowl Parade, and go to Disney Land on a high school field trip with the marching band. That is just about the only thing that I am excited for about now, but I'm not looking forward to paying the marching band fee. That will be another disappointment. Well actually that will be more of a bummer not a disappointment. Oh well, I think that it is all worth it. This year is going to be super fun no matter what happens to me.

Monday, February 20, 2012

The end of the break/vacation.

The end of vacation sucks. The last day of our break sucks! I really wanted to do something fun today, but I've been working on homework almost the whole day. I'm pretty sure that there is a district rule that says teachers can't give out homework during the breaks, but of course they do anyway because they think they are better than us. The worst part about my breaks and vacations is the last day. I just hate thinking that the next day I have to go to school. I really want to stay home and either play PlayStation or play some sports. School upsets me sometimes. That is why I hate the end of vacations.


Are haircuts good or bad? I think the point of them is good, but it sure isn't fun going to get them. I'm going to go get a haircut today, and I'm really not looking forward to it. I always feel better once I have received the haircut, but before I am really nervous and bored. That is why I haven't decided whether or not I like haircuts. I kind of wish that there was a product that kept your hair the same length but didn't kill your hair. In my mind that would be very nice, but since we don't have a product like that I have to go to my haircut appointment. This leaves me with the question still of, are haircuts good or bad?

Friday, February 17, 2012

Why do basketball players freak out so much?

Yesterday I had a church ball game, and it was the funnest thing that I have done in a long time. The only problem was that they had a big complaining dumbo on their team. First of all he didn't really know what he was talking about and second of all he started getting really angry. He started throwing shoulders and elbows into this kid on our team until..... He got fouled out. He thought he was so funny for trying to injure our player a little that he ended up getting thrown out of the game. Yesterday was the best. He got thrown out, and we still won their team fifty five to twenty three. I would say that we won them, that is for sure. "He can only shoot guys," is what he would say, "He can only shoot guys," is what I would say mockingly back at him when that kid on our team would swoosh it right in his face. Last night was really interesting. That kid was constantly yelling at the refs saying that he was just boxing out. Then the ref would say that you can't throw your shoulder into somebody while you're boxing out. Why are kids so stupid. If you complain to the ref, he's not going to change his mind. He's just going to think you're an idiot. Which leaves us with the question, why do basketball players freak out so much?

My dad doesn't care about my stuff.

Today I asked my dad if we could go get some ski boots. He said that I wasn't going anywhere until I finished my homework. Later in the day my dad asked if I would go with my brother to this merit badge class, but what did I say? Yeah that's right you got it, "I can't go anywhere until I finish my homework," I said. Wow that shows my dad. Of course now he'll probably never take me to get ski boots, but it shows him that if he wants me to do something then he had better help me out to. I'm sick of being his slave. I'm pretty sure that I will get my mom to come get ski boots with my while my dad is at that merit badge class. That will show him.

The next thing that I hate about my dad is that he wakes me up super early on my breaks. Today I wanted to sleep in and catch up on some beauty sleep, but apparently my dad had different plans. He wanted me to get up and get going on my homework so that I would be able to go to that merit badge class with my brother. How selfish can one get? I'll tell you right now that I'm not going to throw away all my plans for somebody if they aren't willing to return in the giving process. It doesn't work that way.

I truly believe that my dad doesn't care about my plans, but I think I'm going to change that because it's becoming a joke. He's always complaining to me that I never hang out with friends enough, but whenever I ask if I can hang out with friends he doesn't let me. He is the biggest hypocrite there ever was.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Movies are fishy.

The reason why I say that movies are fishy is because I think that it's annoying how in movies they make the guy sound fishy. What I mean when I say that is that they make you feel like it's one guy, but really another. That guy that you are suspecting is acting super fishy too. I really hate that about movies. It really doesn't build up suspense in my opinion. All that it does is make me frustrated. I hate it that if they are on to a guy then they make that certain guy look really suspicious. He's always got a face on him that tells you he's the guy, but he really isn't. Whenever I am watching one of those movies I just want to turn of the television because those movies are super dumb. Not only are they super dumb, but every movie follows the same story line just with different actors. That is why I think movies are fishy. Not just fishy, but super fishy.

Driving is super fun.

This Wednesday I got my learners permit so now I can drive with my parent or guardian at my side. I started driving in a parking lot where I learned how to use the brakes, blinkers, but manly common sense. When I went to the DMV to get my permit I was really nervous. I went there, got my picture taken, took a test, and then went home to congratulate myself with an Oreo milk shake. I passed the test on my first time, but I didn't think that I was going to. A couple of the questions I didn't know what it was asking, so I just put down what I thought would be a safer answer. I clicked submit expecting it to say something like you fail at life, but when I clicked submit there was a green box that said you did it. In my head there was the Dora the Explorer music going on because I felt so awesome. Now that I've gotten behind the wheel though I feel as though I have a whole new test to pass. I'm not very smooth when I drive. I get going and then I need to stop at a stop sign, and my foot steps on the brake a little bit too hard. My mom says that I have a lead foot because I don't drive very smooth yet. My steering is not very smooth either. I spin the steering wheel and then just let it slide through my hands, but when I do that it just goes all willy nilly in my hands. Oh well, I'll get better. I can already feel myself getting better as the days go by. What I really like is my license. It's got my eye color, my hair color, my weight, my height, my date of birth, my picture, and most importantly my signature. I've probably stared at that permit so much that I've probably got a photographic memory of it by now.  I know, I'm crazy, but I love driving it is super fun.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Just happens to be in your possession.

When I say that something just happens to be in your possession I mean that you actually own something. One thing that I find really weird is when somebody gives you something, and when you get that something you are just wondering what in the world you're going to do with that something. It happens to us all the time, and I think it's so weird. For instance somebody gives you a knife that can cut a penny; the next year you need a knife that can cut a penny for some reason (say some scouting activity) and you start thinking where on the planet earth am I going to get a knife that can cut a penny, when all of a sudden you find a knife that can cut a penny in its brand new box in your basement. Wow, what is the probability of that happening? It's like that person was thinking man o man they are going to need this sometime. I think that it is just the coolest feeling when you happen to have something in your possession.

Getting all of your distractions out of the way so you can consentrate.

I've learned that if you get rid of all your distractions then you will be able to concentrate. For example, a little bit ago I wanted to go roller blading, but knew that I had a ton of homework. I went roller blading, had a good time, and now I can do my homework in a breeze. I believe that it's that way with everything. If you are having a hard time reading because you are just thinking about video games, then find a good place to stop in your book and go play some video games. Once you have eliminated the distractions then you will be able to think more clearly and work faster. Another example is if you are doing your homework and the TVs on, then you need to turn off the TV to get rid of the distraction. I was just thinking about this in the morning this morning, and I thought that it was probably the smartest and simplest theory on the planet earth. If you're on a diet, and you need to eat healthy, then don't buy food that will make you want it. Don't buy donuts, Twinkies, and soda if you're going to get distracted by it. Also don't go to places that don't have healthy food. It is all about distractions. Never give in to them.