Sunday, May 27, 2012


Currently I'm having a sleepover with my cousins, and it is just a blast. We stayed up playing card games, and then I remembered that I needed to type my last and final blog. It's a little bit late on accident because my cousins and I were playing scum the card game til like midnight. It's such a blast though. So far we've watched American Ninja Warrior, played scum, and had hot chocolate. This sleepover couldn't get any better. I really just wish though that more people could come to the sleepover. This is going to be a short blog, but my last blog, or one of my last blogs so I just wanted to come out and say that people need to have more fun in there lifes. Right now I'm doing that by having a sleepover, so have fun no matter what that is for you.

Saturday, May 26, 2012


It's almost summer, and I'm almost there, to high school. I've learned so much, and I've gained new friends, but soon I will be saying goodbye to a bunch of these people. I'm going to miss some people, and I'm not going to miss some people, but the great thing is that I will be meeting new friends, and I will be meeting up with old friends. Next year is going to be super fun, and this summer is going to be super fun. I have marching band on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I have to be there at seven o'clock all the way to ten o'clock. I'm not super worried though because I think that I will be able to enjoy it. Thank goodness most of my best friends will be going to Davis with me, but I will be leaving some good friends behind. I will also be leaving some great teachers behind. This is probably going to be my last post for a long time, so I just wanted to say goodbye to a lot of those people. Goodbye friends. We will be able to party this week at school since it's the last week, so let's party it up and say our goodbyes. We've got a party in Spanish class on Tuesday, a Talent Show assembly on Wednesday, Ninth Grade Lagoon day, to party all day long, and of course a yearbook day on Friday to get to say our goodbyes. Plus I know that my friends and I are going to have a big party on Friday after school. I'm going to miss all of you that I'm leaving, and I'm glad that most of my friends that I'm not leaving will be in marching band with me this summer so that I can stay in touch. I'd also like to say thank you to all of my teachers this year because they have helped me out so much. I can't wait for this summer, and I can't wait for next year when I will have a ton of friends. A bunch of my friends and I are going to get Snow Basin passes so we can go every weekend. Next year is going to be a blast. Thank you and goodbye, to those of you that I will be leaving. I hope to see you around.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Sky Coaster

I'm going to Lagoon soon with my cousin, and I'm totally psyched because we are going on Sky Coaster. For those of you that don't know Sky Coaster is a ride that is super scary. This ride costs 20 bucks, but I've heard it's worth it. You stand on this platform, and they have you harnessed in, and then they lower the platform slightly so you fall. You then are harnessed in the rest of the way, and then they raise you up. You are raised up a good, well I'm not sure how far, but it's high. You pull your own cord at the top, and you drop straight down, almost upside down, until you start swinging. It's going to be fun. Now I found out that my brothers coming with us, so we are going to have 3 people harnessed together, and it's going to be awesome. The problem is though that it costs 20 bucks to ride. You already have to pay a bunch of money to get into the park, and now you have to pay 20 bucks more, but I heard it's worth it. I'm really pumped for it, but I'm going to need to save up some money before then. Especially since my dad doesn't want me blowing all my money on it. I'm definitely psyched for it though it's going to be awesome!


The Avengers was the sickest movie ever. It is now my most favorite movie on the planet earth, and doesn't have any movie even close to it. Everything was fantastic. The comedy, the action, and the fighting where crazy amazing things that couldn't have been better. The one thing that my friends saw, and not me was that Stark's "heart" was not on during some moments in the movie. Not even at the end, but during some parts of the movie. Everything else was perfect. The display, audio, and graphics were amazing, and couldn't be beaten. I loved that it showed all of the Avengers about equally. I didn't know how it was going to work when they were all fighting, but it did, and it was awesome. I loved that the guys were all ruff with each other. I thought that it felt like they were actually guys, and that's what guys do. I loved the second little bit of ending where they are at the restaurant because that was just grand. The Avengers was great. I didn't like though that Black Widow could do everything that the others could even though she was just a regular person. Like, when she jumps off Captain America's shield, and jumps on that scooter thing. That would rip somebodies arm off, but she did it without problem. I thought that Hawk Eye's shooting skills were unreal. He shot arrows and hit people when he wasn't even looking. That's just a little messed up for me. Everything turned our alright though, and that's all that one can really wish for because the movie was great.  The Avengers earns five stars, and would earn more if the scale was bigger. I want to see The Avengers again. That's for sure!

Monday, May 7, 2012

Maple Bar's version of 10 reasons why I hate Facebook

1)The number one reason why I hate Facebook is because it sends you fifty billion emails a week. 2) I hate Facebook because everybody posts what they are doing every second. 3) You can get 73 people to like your status if you just say Lms. 4) You get tagged in pictures that you aren't even in. 5) Every thing is associated with Facebook. 6) Groups send you more messages that any thing else. 7) You don't know how many stokers have been stoking your page. 8) There are stokers stoking your page. 9) Anybody can get a Facebook. 10) People will start having conversations on your status, and sometimes you don't even know them. This post was inspired by Mario and Fafa. Thank you.


Stock up on your Twinkies, Ho Hos, Dingdongs, donuts, cupcakes, and whatever else Hostess makes because they are going out of business, and it's going to be horrible! I'm not exactly what the story is on it, but from what I heard they got sued, and are now going out of business. Everybody knows that a Twinkie is probably not the best for you, but if you don't want to get fat then don't eat them. Some stupid kid is suing them for making those delicious sponges that make kids smile because they got fat. I heard that they are shutting down this Friday, and I will probably be in a sad mood on Friday just because of it. Why the heck would somebody sue Hostess....oh wait there are snobs out there that don't care about anybody but themselves. Thursday night I'm going to Wal-mart to buy a years worth of Twinkies because we all know that they could last that long, but it doesn't matter because I will be able to eat a Twinkie in a year from next Thursday, and you won't! Ha ha. You guys are probably picturing some fat kid who can't even see his toes typing this, but actually I'm 20 pounds under my weight requirement. Now you're picturing some malnourished skinny kid, and your probably right I don't eat all that great of food, but I do play sports a lot. Do you think the person that sued Hostess was some doctor that got sick of fat children, or do you think it was some tubby guy that needed money for some sort of exercising equipment? If you've seen Zombie Land you know how important Twinkies are. Enjoy the little things is an important phrase on that movie that they say when the main character starts eating a Twinkie, but now there will be no more little things to enjoy. Except for The Big Bang Theory of course because who doesn't love that show, but that's off topic. No more. No more Twinkies. No more Dingdongs. No more cupcakes. No more Ho Hos. No more donuts. No more Zingers. There aren't just getting rid of Hostess! They are getting rid of our joy and hope leaving us in desperation.   

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Video Games

I'm not exactly sure what the world's biggest past time is, but I'd be willing to bet that video games are pretty close to the top. I'm not exactly sure that that's a good thing though because I know a lot of people that play video games to much. For example my friend has two get 2 hours a day in on his X-Box, or he "can't live to the next day. That is no longer a past time. That is an addiction, and it is controlling his life. It is a "necessity" for him. That's the problem. Video games were made to be played when you have free time, and to have fun in your free time. Now that they are controlling people I'm not sure that they are a good thing. Video games can be fun though, don't get me wrong. I enjoy playing some Call of Duty, or FIFA, or Basketball, or whatever. What is it that makes video games so addictive? Personally I'm not addicted to video games, but I know quite a lot of people who are. I know one person who played them for 5 days straight, pausing the game only for food and water. How is that possible? How can somebody play video games for 5 days straight? I would rather go run, bike, and swim way more than I would want to play video games. Right now they have all of these games that you can play online with somebody else that you don't even know. In FIFA you can play your ultimate team against somebody else, and you can try to win, and based upon how you do you can get more money, more experience points, and more and better statistics. In Call of Duty you can create different customs to use while you go out and try to shoot all the other people. You can customize your person to have the best gun, the best grenades, and the best second gun. The more you play the more experience points you get, and the more levels your guy grows. Once you can't level up any more you can prestige, which is losing all you money and all your weapons to start over. It sounds stupid, but the more you prestige the better your icon and image looks to people. Maybe that is where it gets addicting. People want to prestige. All I can say is I'm glad I'm not addicted.  

Air Race

I recently went to lagoon, and while I was there I tried out the new ride, Air Race. I am a person that loves doing things that are crazy. This includes going upside down, going straight up/ straight down, and falling long distances. Air Race involves going upside down. It's kind of a cool looking ride, and when you look at it you can't really believe how it works. It's this fun ride that spins around, and you are in this airplane that gets flipped upside down like it is a little coin. Air Race was a ride that earned 5 stars on my watch because it was super fun. The one thing that needs some work is the lines. There was a big dancing competition there that day, but those lines were ridiculous. My cousin and I were waiting in line for Air Race for almost 45 minutes. My one suggestion for them is to find a simpler process so that people don't have to wait forever. All and all though it was a fun ride that I want to go on again.