Saturday, December 31, 2011

New Years

Technically it isn't New Years yet, but I can feel it coming. It's going to be a big party. On Saturday night I am hanging out with my cousins so that we can count down the new year, and then on Sunday I'm going to my grandmas. New Years is a party.

Right now I'm wondering if I'm going to have the energy to stay up that late because I have  been sick the last few days, and I'm not feeling super great today. Anyway I think that I'm going to have to stay up though because I'm going to be playing Bunco, and I love that game. Also I'm sure that I will be drinking a ton of pop, but there is the occasional problem that goes wrong with my plan. Right now I've been wondering what my plans really are tonight because I don't think that anybodies even told me. Oh well I'll just go with the flow.

Right now I'm really hungry, but I kind of need room for tonight because I'm sure there will be tons of food. Also I'm wondering if Travis Pastrona is going to do another dare devil trick at midnight like his football field jump on a motorbike, or his rally car jump. All of these were cool things that he did, and I want to see another one. They are always quit exciting.

This New Years is going to be the funnest one yet. No matter how late it is, or how stuffed I get, I think that it's going to be one of the funnest things ever.

Saturday, December 17, 2011


Skiing is a big thing in my family. I've been skiing a lot, and I love it. I love everything about skiing. I love the fact that even though it's snowing, and your skiing on snow your still sweating. This is the sweetest thing that I have ever heard of. I love how ski resorts have lodges made like cabins, I love the ski lifts taking us up the mountain, and I love the fact that there are these big trucks that plow the hills. Skiing is the best thing on the planet. I really want to go to Colorado to ski because they have the biggest ski resort in the United States. I also want to go to Norway to go skiing. Skiing in Norway is big. They are big on ski jumping. They can fly with their nose into their tips. These two places have already been added to my bucket list.

Me and my cousins go skiing a lot together, and it's now a big yearly thing in my family. We haven't gone this year, but I'm totally thrilled with the idea even. This is going to be sick. We are going to fill the whole resort just with my family. My cousins and I are tight, so we hang out often. My cousins are actually on their way right now, and I'm going to show them my brand new skis that I just bought. My brand new skis are orange, wide, and made for powder. They are normally 800 dollar skis, but I got them for only 15 dollars at the DI. They are like brand new, and I'm totally happy. I cannot wait to go skiing with my skis because they are going to be totally sweet. They are powder skis, and I'm going to powder it up. It's going to be sweet.

What people do when they're borred.

I've noticed a lot of the time that people do different things when they are borred. There are those people that actually look for something to do, and there are those people that eat their faces off when they are borred. I would classify myself as both, but right now I'm stuffing my face off. I think that it's partially because I have homework to do, but when I don't have homework to do I would be searching for something fun to do. Homework can sometimes put a big strain on us sometimes. I think that if you look up the work borring in the dictionary you see the word homework. That is what I think about homework, but right now I'm not wanting to discuss that. There are many different things that people do when they are borred. Let's make a list because frankly I don't have anything better to do. People read, eat, write, play videogames, shop, watch tv, eat, drink, go to hang out with friends, eat, and wish that they were eating. You may have noticed that I listed eat a lot, but I'm not going to tell you why because I'm going to go eat.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Christmas Parties

Christmas parties are the best. During the month of December you have approximately 10 different Christmas parties, but who's complaining because I'm not. If you are like me you have a Christmas party with your ward, a Christmas party for every side of your family, and a Christmas party with all your friends. After all the Christmas parties are totaled up you have approximately 10 different Christmas parties. Now who's complaining? At just about every single one of those parties you have tons of fun, and eat tons of food. Christmas parties are the best. No questions asked.

Saturday, December 10, 2011


December brings many things with it. When you think of December you think of skiing, sledding, and snowboarding. This all fits the title of December, but the biggest thing that fits December is Christmas. Christmas brings many different, but fun experiences. After Thanksgiving I think that it's our cue to listen to Christmas music. Christmas is just one of the many things that you think about when you think about December. It's such a big one that when you think about Christmas you think about skiing, sledding, and snowboarding. You also think about snow, snowmen, and snowflakes. Christmas is wonderful. December is wonderful.

I'm looking out window right now wondering where our snow is. Right now it's so bright outside that it's depressing. If it were June, July, or even August I would be alright with sun, but having a super bright sun in December well that's depressing. Where is our white Christmas? Where is the snow that's supposed to bury our houses so that we don't have to go to school? Where is all that joy? I'll tell you straight up..... I don't know. Right now I am tempted to leave my spot, and go play some basketball with my friend, but I have so much homework that it is coming out of my ears. I'll tell you one thing that I don't think of when I think of December, and that's homework, but somehow homework ends up in my schedule even during Christmas break. I can't figure it out for the life of me. Where's the real December?

Currently at this moment I am thinking about skiing. I just bought some new skis, and I want to get out and use them. There's only one problem though and that is the fact that I don't have ski boots. I've been looking for some that are nice, but not super expensive. I found some on under classifieds, but my parents kept procrastinating to help me call that person up so that we could go get them. I later found out that they were bought up this Wednesday, and now the hunt continues. This is a mess.

Now that you know what I think about when I think about December. It's time for me to let you go. You may personally not think of those things when you think of December, but I do. You may think of Santa Clause, Christmas songs, and baking, but for all I care this is what I think about.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Board games

Thank goodness for board games because without them we would be pretty bored when the power is out. It's always good to have a favorite card game, or board game, so when the power is out you don't have to sit on the couch and be bored all day long. When my family wasn't cleaning up the neighborhood we were playing a card game. My brother, who is blind, loves to play games with dice in it. These games consist of Yahtzee, zilch, and phase ten dice. These games are really fun, and when you have a brother that is so lucky it just makes it even more hard. Anyway, it is always good to have a good board game on hand because they are fun to play when you don't have anything else to do.

Crazy weather

This week is filled with crazy stuff. The wind was blowing 95 miles an hour, and now all the trees are knocked over. Kaysville is practically treeless by now, and the golf course lost over 100 trees. The only good thing about this week is that we didn't have school on Thursday or Friday, but that just meant that I had to go outside to help pick up a bunch of trees. In my neighborhood alone there was over 40 different trees knocked over. This is madness.

"There's a book flying down the road", says a kid who wants to leave. The only problem is that the principal doesn't want to have to make it up during the summer, so he wasn't going to cancel school. Generally, I go to school without any problems, but today was an exception. As you drive down the road your car gets hit by many and many different shingles. Hoping to come away scar less, I ran inside the school to safety. The school, usually lit up, was dark when I walked in. The teachers, usually in their classrooms, where in the halls telling us to get to the gym. The teachers told us to get to the gym with a reading book, a coat, and our selves. When we looked out the windows we saw flying shingles, books, and wood planks.

Now that you know how crazy it was at our school it's time for me to tell you that when I got home I saw so many knocked down fences, knocked down trees, and knocked off shingles. It was madness. There was a tree that fell down on a boat, a car, and a house. It was a big tree, and it took down a lot of stuff, but yet it didn't hurt anyone. "Let's crack out the chainsaws", said my neighbor, "so we can get down and dirty." It sure needed to happen to because we had a lot of downed trees. That was how crazy this weekend was.

Now that it is Sunday, they're telling us that we're going to have high winds tonight. I'm cool with high winds, but I just hope that they cancel school. Well I'm going to let you go because I'm really hungry, and I want to eat something. Goodbye and goodnight.