Thursday, September 29, 2011


I am probably the slowest test taker ever. What is it about tests that make me so slow? I don't honestly know what makes me a slow test taker. Maybe it is the fact that I don't read as fast as everyone else, maybe I think too hard and long on the questions not wanting to miss one, maybe the tests just intimidate me. All of these could be true, but I really need to find out.

In 7th grade during Utah Studies class, I was the last one done. Some people finished the test within a half an hour of the class, but I didn't even finish it that class period because I was so slow. I hated that feeling, because we were going to play a game right after that test. Since I never finished people all hated me, because they didn't get to play the game. I think that is about time that I learn to become a faster test taker, but still be a good one.

I need people to give me tips that will help me to become a better test taker. Obviously you don't have the same brain as me, but it still would help if you guys gave me tips. In my opinion, I think that I think too long and hard, not wanting to get one wrong. Is that a bad thing or a good thing? Would you rather be a slow test taker that gets good scores? Or would you rather be a fast test taker that doesn't get as good of scores? I need help deciding, so anybody who reads this, give me tips!

Saturday, September 24, 2011

How to "Decorate" a car.

Yesterday was my cousins wedding. It was so much fun, but the whole night I was just waiting to "decorate" her car. It is so much fun to decorate cars on peoples weddings. Here are the 10 basic steps to "decorating" cars.

  1. Write stuff on the windows such as "Just married" with window markers.
  2. Duck tape the hubcaps a certain color so it will reflect light all the way home.
  3. Pull Oreos apart and stick the Oreos to the windows using the white cream.
  4. Spray the whole car with chocolate syrup.
  5. Throw powder sugar all over the car. (It will stick to the chocolate syrup.)
  6. Put Twinkies on the antenna.
  7. Tie Mountain Dew Cans to the back of the car.
  8. Get Fruit by the Foots and throw them over the car like Christmas lights.
  9. Spray the whole car with whipping creme.
  10. Wrap the whole car in plastic wrap so they can't get into the car. (This might take a couple of boxes.)
"Decorating" cars is so much fun. The main idea is to just be creative. This list is just what me and my cousins did to my cousins car, but all that you have to do is be creative. On my uncles wedding they took off his wheels and put it on cinder blocks so he couldn't drive away, luckily for him he had another car close by so he could leave. Whatever you do it needs to be hilarious and make that person speechless. Have fun and "decorate" it good because you don't get to decorate other peoples cars very often. Have fun and get "decorating".

Friday, September 23, 2011


Basketball is a wonderful sport. Why don't we have a class (besides gym) on basketball. Basketball contains just about everything except "kicking." Basketball is a wonderful sport.

The objective of basketball is to stop the other team from getting the round, orange ball into the hoop. In the meantime you are trying to get the ball in their hoop. When you have the ball you can only move if you "dribble" the ball or else it is "traveling." When trying to get the ball in the other hoop you can "shoot," "dunk," or even "pass" to another teammate so that they can "dunk" or "shoot" the ball. This requires a great amount of skill which is necessary to win the game.

A basketball season consists of anywhere between 15 games to who knows how many, based on different leagues. After the "regular season" there is the playoffs. The playoffs consist of 7 games best out of 4. Once you win that "7 game series" you move on to the next series, and the next, until finally ending up at the Championship game. Whoever wins the Championship game is considered the best in the league.

As you can see, Basketball is the best and will continue to be the best sport in the world. I play basketball because it is fun and because of the fact that it is the best game in the world. I am a Utah Jazz fan and we have the loudest stadium in America. I am a Jazz fan!!!

Friday, September 16, 2011

Homework on the weekend!

Homework on the weekend, what is up with that. If you add it up, I have more homework over the week end, than I did during the whole week. I almost wonder if our school teachers had a meeting about giving us as mush homework to as they can. Why would they do this, I thought teachers were for "world peace!"
I have
  1. Three pages of Math (double sided.)
  2. A whole science packet (which is 20 pages thick!)
  3. I have to read 30 pages in my book, and I am a slow reader.
  4. 15 minutes of band practice (I hate band.)
  5. And don't forget that I have to watch the BYU vs. Utah Utes football game!
This weekend is going to be a busy one, I'm not going to lie. All that I am excited for is my cousins coming tomorrow, and watching the BYU vs. Utah Utes football game! I sure do hope that next week will be a lot easier, but my teachers probably have something else planned, UNFORTUNATELY.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

University of Utah/ BYU football game!

Today one of the school counselors came into my 5th period class today to talk about our futures, which got me thinking about college. I listened to her talk about the A.C.T. test and about college options when suddenly I thought of the U of U/ BYU football game. I was thinking about who I thought was going to win (when I really should have been listening to the counselor) and who I was going to cheer for.

When I was in Elementary School, I cheered for the University of Utah. 7th grade I cheered for BYU and 8th grade I cheered for U of U. During 5th period I decided that I was going to choose once and for all what team I was going to cheer for. I thought through this long and hard going over everything that I could think of and why BYU would be better or why U of U would be better.

First I thought of reasons why I would want to cheer for BYU. It took me a while to come up with all of them. These are the things I came up with:
  • They have the same values as me
  • They are a really good football team
  • And my family cheers for BYU.
I wasn't done though, I still had to think of characteristics to cheer for U of U.

The first things that I thought of about the U of U was:
  • My best friends are "U" fans
  • I have enjoyed cheering for them in past years.
  • Lot's of my friends are season ticket holders too, so I could probably go with them to a game some time.
  • It wouldn't be right if I went to a "U" game with my friend(s) when deep down I was BYU fan.

Well, I thought about both of these options when I found my answer. I still like BYU and U of U, but I decided that I liked cheering for Utah State Aggies. The Aggies are amazing in every way. They have one of the most wild fan groups in America and my family likes them too. Both of my parents graduated from Utah State University.  We already have an Aggie banner and we have the Aggie license plates on our cars.  Also they have some really good ice cream too.

Utah State, Hey!
Aggies all the way!
Go Aggies! Go Aggies!
Hey! Hey! Hey!